10. Guests?

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"That damn smile again.. it's so cute." Russia thought while a small blush creeped up on his face. Canada turned around and placed the pancakes on the table and proceeded to sit down.
"Are you going to sit with me?" Canada asked with a small chuckle.
"D-da sorry..." The Russian replied as he stopped blushing and sat with Canada.
(Oh yeah don't worry they already fed kimajirou.)

They ate in silence for a bit before Canada broke it.
"So," He said as he finished his bit. "When do you plan on leaving?" He asked.
"Well I sort of forgot to book a flight..." The Russian said as he took an other bit of his food.
"Well then maybe we could go together!" The Canadian said getting all exited.

"Da I suppose." Russia replied with a small smile. Russia enjoyed Canada's company. He liked that the boy was not scared of him and that he was kind.
"Well the next meeting is in 1 week and a half so we have plenty of time." Russia said.

The two nations ate in silence before there was a knock at the door. They looked at eachother in confusion before they heard a familiar voice.
"Mattie? Are you home?? I saw your car!!"
It was America.

(A/N: Aaannnnddd gonna stop here because I need to sleep! Anywho sorry for not posting for so long!! )

"Merde!" Canada whispered.
"What is your brother doing here?" The Russian asked
"I-i- don't know!" The Canadian said in a panicked tone. Russia got up and quickly ran upstairs. He went into one of the guest rooms and closed the door. Canada walked over to the front door and unlocked it only to be hug-tackled by his brother.
"A-Al... Why are you here?" He asked as he got his brother off of him.
"Well when I called you, you sounded sick! What kind of brother would I be if I just left you there?"
" shut your bloody mouth America." A voice said behind him.
"E-England?" The Canadian called out as a figure emerged from behind the American.
"Oh yeah I brought Iggy with me!" America said with a huge smile on his face.
"He got lost and ended up in Vancouver." The Brit growled.
"Hey! Not lost, just misplaced!" The American said.
"How do you misplace yourself you dumbass?" Britain said with his arms crossed.
"Guys I'm honestly fine.." Canada tried to say.
"I told you he was ok!" The Brit yelled.
"Nuh uh! He was sick on the phone!" America yelled back.
"A-al isn't lying.. I was sick but not anymore." The Canuck said." I'm fine guys, you can go home.." he whispered.
"What he means is ''get out of my house.'' " the Brit added as he looked at Canada for a sense of approval.

"Please don't let them stay..." Russia mumbled to himself as he listened to the conversation.
"Are you really kicking me out?" America said with a pout on his face.
"W-well since you came all this way, you can stay for supper..." The Canadian answered.
"Yay! Thanks bro!" The American yelled before rudely barging into Canada's house.
"Come in please." Canada said to England.
"Thank you." Britain said as he politely walked in and hung his coat.
"I still don't know how you can tolerate this weather." He said as he smiled to the Canadian.
"Well you get used to it when you spend all your time here heh.." he whispered.

As everyone walked in, Russia rubbed his head.
"Fuck. Now they are here?" He thought.

"I-ill be back I just need to get something." Canada said as he walked upstairs. The Canadian stopped at the first step and said
"Arthur please make sure Al doesn't break anything." Before finally going up.

Canada arrived in the guest room where Russia was only to see Russia looking at him with an annoyed look.
"Really? You had to let them stay?" He said.
"Well I couldn't just kick them out. They are my family! Plus they wouldn't survive the weather I have!" The Canadian said.
"And what am I going to do?" The Russian asked.
"Well... Maybe you could... Come down and see them?" Canada proposed.
"Are you crazy? America hates me and England isn't much better!" He yelled but not loud enough to be heard by the two nations downstairs.
"I-i- don't know!" Canada said in a panicked voice. The Canadian soon started to get a sharp pain in his chest. He crouched down and held his stomach; he was having a panic attack. The Russian looked at him in confusion before he saw tears run down the Canadian's face.
"A-are you alright?" He asked while bending over and placing a hand on Canada's back.
Russia pulled Canada and placed him between his legs, resting his head on Russia's chest as Russia stroked his hair.
"It's ok.. do not worry." He whispered.
Canada nuzzled up on Russia's chest and quietly sobbed, trying to make the pain go away.

"What the fuck!?" A voice yelled from the door. Canada looked up to see America standing there with England behind him, both in shock. The American ran forwards and grabbed Canada off of Russia.

"What the hell do you think you are doing with my goddamn brother you fucking commie!" He yelled as he lunged onto Russia and tackling him. England took Canada's arm and looked at him in a confused and angry look.
"Why the hell is Russia here?" He said in a harsh tone. Canada yanked his arm out of England's grip and grabbed America. He lifted the American off of Russia.
"Stop it Al!" He cried.
Once America was finally off of Russia, he stood beside The Brit, both glaring at Russia as the Canadian helped him up.
"Why the fuck is that commie here?" America said.

"H-he u-uhm.." the Canuck stuttered.
"He i-is my g-guest in my c-country and I-i only invited h-him for l-lunch earlier today.." he finally said.
"Why Williams?" England asked. (Btw if you didn't know Williams is Canada's last name. His name is Matthew Williams.)
"Because it's my country! I can invite who I want when I want!" He yelled, surprising all the other three nations.
"But he is our enemy!" America yelled back.
"He is the only person to remember me! The only time you guys ever talk to me is if you need something or if I'm sick! If not, I am just a shadow to you all! And why do you care? You already said that Australia is "America's best friend"! " The Canadian shouted
"W-what...?" The American said.
"Yeah! Don't act like you don't know! I saw you at the AUKUS meeting! I heard what you said! And Russia is the only person who makes me feel like I'm doing a good job! You guys just always point out what I'm doing wrong, like "oh Canada you need to get those nuclear submarines" or "oh Canada you aren't holding up your agreement" " Canada yelled as tears fell down his face. As Russia listened to the argument, he felt so angry to see his little sunflower cry. He just wanted to kill America right there.

"Matthew we say that because you do need to get the submarines and you aren't holding up your agreements." England said.
"I know I'm not! Trust me, I have been reminded constantly! I am trying to do my best! I bought 15 new frigots and no one even noticed!" He shouted back.
"I think that's enough." Russia said.
"Matvey? Matvey!" Russia yelled.
"Your brother is at the door!" The Russian said with a confused look.
"O-oh yeah!" Canada said.

yeah hehe I wanted to add that but I didn't want it to be the storyline so I made it his imagination ✨

Anyways, hope you liked the chapter!!
Je vous aimes mes chers et chères!♥️

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