1. my country?

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"And the next world meeting will be held in... Ottawa, Canada." Germany said. Canada was zoning out before finally realising his name was called... And also after being aggressively shaken by his brother.
"Yo bro it's gonna be in your country!!" America yelled with a big smile on his face while shaking the poor Canadian. Canada honestly didn't mind tho, he was used to it. After America let go of him, The Canadian could help but smile.
"Maybe they will finally remember me." He thought.

On the other side of the table, Russia was writing down some notes when he herd where the next meeting would be. He lifted up his head and looked around him.
"Hm." He thought to himself."I guess it won't be to bad. At least it's not France or America."

As the meeting ended, everyone started packing up and leaving. Since the meeting that day was in America, Canada had taken his car to drive there since it was only about 8 hours to get from his house to the meeting.
The Canadian left the room and got into his car with his bear, kimajirou.
"No getting out of the seatbelt ok Kuma?"
He said." I don't want you getting hurt."
"Who?" The bear asked.
"Me your owner, Canada."

<<Time skip>>>

As Canada pulled into his driveway, he was only thinking about laying in his bed. It was late at night, about 11:00 pm so he was very tired. The Canadian got out of his car and into his house with his bear in his arms since there was a lot of snow, about up to his knee, and since Canada is very tall, about 6'0, you could only imagine his bear trying to get to the front door. Canada unlocked the door and plopped his bear onto the ground. He took his boots and coat of and headed upstairs to his bedroom.

" I'm gonna take a shower so you can watch some Hockey or something, eh?" He said to his bear before going up the stairs. When Canada got into the shower, he felt a sense of relaxation having the hot water run down his back. When he got out, he put on a shirt with a red maple leaf on it and some simple sleeping pants. He got onto the bed and took his glasses of before getting comfy in his sheets. Kimajirou was watching tv but decided to turn it of so he wouldn't disturb the sleeping Canadian. The bear snuggled up against the warm Canadian since as well as him, the bear was quite tired.


So this is my second book and I will probably be focusing on this one because I have a lot more ideas for this one then my other one but I will still be putting up chapters on my other book just not as quickly. Anyways if your looking for my other one it's called Je t'aime mon amour (ruscan fluff).

Peace and love!♥️✌️

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