3. Russia

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<<Russia's Pov after the last meeting>>

After the meeting ended, Russia quickly packed his thing and called a taxi. When the taxi got there, he was in complete shock of how tall the Russian was.(he's like 6'6') Russia looked down at the man and gave his usual a creepy smile."Previet." He said while lifting his hand as a friendly gesture. Russia found it amusing that the taxi driver was scared of him. The tall nation got into the car and gave the driver the directions to the hotel he was staying at.

Russia put his head back and looked out the window. For some reason, all he could think about was the Canadian. He usually didn't care about other people, accept for his sisters Belarus and Ukraine, even tho he was at war with one of them. Because of that, he was getting.. frustrated and confused. "why would I care for that boy? I do not know him nor do I want to. "He thought. Even tho he didn't want to know the Canadian any better than he does now, one little very small part of him did. He knew that he was the second biggest country and that they had similar weather, but he wanted to know more. "no, I dont. I really shouldn't ether."

Russia was zoning out before he felt the car come to a stop. He paid the driver, grabbed his bag and walked into the hotel. When he walked in, everyone looked at him in fear but he ignored it and took the elevator up to his room. When he got in, he took his boots and coat of, but left his scarf. He gently grabbed his scarf and looked into the mirror infront of him. Something Russia was known for was his scarf. No one knew why he kept it and no one dared to ask, thinking he would kill them if they did.

The Russian took his phone out and checked for the fastest flight back to Moscow so he could get out of this hellish place. Luckily, the next flight was tomorrow morning at 1:30 pm. He quickly did the math; since the flight was 10 hours and the time difference between Washington and Moscow was 7 hours... He frowned realising that he would arrive at 4:30 am.

Russia lied down in his bed and took a deep sigh. After a few minutes, he decided to go take a shower. When he got out, he put on some simple pjs and of course, his scarf.
He settled himself in his bed and went under the covers, soon falling asleep. 

"Hey mon amour. " He heard a voice call. Russia turned around to find Canada standing at his office door with a kind smile on his face."hello Мой маленький подсолнух ." He said smiling with a small blush while getting up. The Russian walked over to Canada and placed his hands on his waist. The Canadian followed by gently placing his hands on Russia's chest. Canada hugged Russia, slowly placing his hands on Russia's face and looking up at him while Russia looked down, making some eye contact for a short moment.

"I love you Ivan." He said while looking and slowly getting closer to the Russian's lips.
"I love you too."

Russia jumped awake, blushing a deep red and sweating. "Why am I blushing? Snap put of it Ivan!" He said in his head. He shook his head and pushed the blush away.
He looked around the room and sat at the edge of his bed. The Russian put his elbows on his knees and placed his head in his hands."what the hell was that..?" He thought to himself. "Am I going crazy?" Why do I... No I can't! It's impossible. I'm just a hangover.. right?"



Anywho, I am enjoying writing this and I have a bunch of ideas so yeah!!

Peace and love!♥️✌️

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