Chapter - 14

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Days passed...

Vinay came to my home to study, I didn’t woke up early, I didn’t cook our breakfast as well, so, i dressed up to buy breakfast for us, I forgot my wallet so came back home and called him and said that I kept my wallet in my cupboard, I asked him to pick my wallet and drop it through window. I took my wallet and went to buy our breakfast, in mean while vinay waited for me in my room, I came back to my room.

I saw vinay was holding my grandma diary, I rushed towards him and took the diary back.

“What you are doing? Though we are friends we should respect our own privacy!!” I said to vinay.

“So..rry! I didn’t mean to read it, it was keep on sparking so I took it, but I felt somehow interesting so I read some page, it’s kind a interesting story.. your grandmother wrote it?” vinay asked.

“Ah.. yeah.. let’s move to study room" I replied and tried to divert him.

“Hmm sure” He replied and we went to study room.

“do you believe in parallel world?” vinay started the conversation.

“Ah, no that is bad story, Haha, my grandma liked science and she wanted to become writer that’s why she wrote it, there is nothing like that, she didn’t go there and all, that is imaginary, there is no htrae and all, Haha" I blabbered everything with embarrassment filled in my face.

“I didn’t ask anything “ he replied by giving smile on his face.

Here we go again, I can’t able to lie to him, “yeah I believe in parallel world. And I have seen it too,” I said.

“What???? What you said now????? Seriously???? Damn!!!!! I can’t believe this!!” He replied in excited tone.

“Wait.. aren’t you going to tease me?! Like it’s a fiction novel or something? I asked him.

“why should I? Haha, I believe in parallel world,  in fact I’m going to choose my major as aastronomy since I used to like these type of fictional novels. I’m not saying it’s novel, I’m trying to say that I believe you!! Actually I can’t able to control my excitement!!!” He replied.

I was surprised about his response, I should have told him even before, I judged him very soon. I told him everything about happened in Htrae including about Nura. Vinay patiently listened to me.

“So, what you are going to now?” He asked.

“What else? I should stay here and follow my career” I replied.

“What? Come with me!!” he pulled me to my house roof top.

“See.. (by pointing sky) this is earth, but across this there is huge Htrae, which is just beyond this sky, and they need our help are you going to stay silent even if you realize when they need our help and your Nura is still not living peacefully there!! Are you okay with that??? It’s just science!! What you are afraid about? Follow your heart?? Do you really want to stay silent?? Don’t you want to help him and Htrae??? It’s not about possible or not its about you are willing to do it!!! I have said everything whatever I wanted to say, now decision is yours,” he said.

I took a look at the broad sky, and realized that the place where I’m needed most is not earth its Htrae! They need my help!! I should go back to him!!

“Thank you!!! Vinay!! Thank you so much!!! I should go there Now!!” I said.

“wait! Where are you going?! Will you able to destroy them by alone?! You have us” He said in excited tone.

With love,
Black women
Insta id: black_women_09

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