A Proper Date

869 26 20


Riiiii- A man picks up the phone "Hello..."

"Hey, You got it on the second ring. Great job Mr Aizawa" Mina Ashido said over the phone.

"Mina. You should be more polite to him" Izuku said, worried that Aizawa might hang up on them.

Aizawa simply sighed "What do you two want..."

"Well you see, sir" Izuku began "M-Mina and I were... We were wondering if you'd allow the two of us to leave school grounds tomorrow so we can ... Spend some personal time together."

"......... You two wanna go on a date?....." Aizawa said unimpressed before sighing "You realize that you two have children to take care of right?"

Izuku quickly responded "Y-Yes! But we-"

"We came up with a plan for that!" Mina interrupted, "The girls in class told us they wouldn't mind watching Eri and Kota for us."

Izuku then followed up with "I also thought it would be a great way for Eri and Kota to connect with the class a bit better. If I recall, you did say this was a class project."

Silence followed Izuku's statement, they could only hope he was considering it.

"... You two realize that UA doesn't even want your class off the school grounds right? After so many encounters with villains from your class. We're worried that if any of you step out of our jurisdiction, something bad will happen."

Izuku and Mina winced at that. It was true, the league seemed to follow them wherever they went.

"... I'll allow it" Mina and Izuku we're stunned to hear that and we're about to speak until Aizawa cut them off "I'll allow it under a number of rules. First, if you see, hear or even feel like there might be a villain near you. You come back immediately, no games. UA doesn't need anymore bad press. Next, you make sure to come back before 10pm at the latest. Finally, I don't want those kids leaving that house, this way we can monitor the kids and the students to see if they treat the kids inappropriately. Understood?"

Izuku and Mina's jaws were hanging open before they both suddenly yelled "Yes!" In glee.

"Gah! My ear!" Aizawa yelled as he recoiled

"S-Sorry Mr Aizawa. We understand the rules though and are willing to abide by them!"

"Good. Do me a favor and try not to get any bad press out there. Remember, people know your faces from the sports festival. Someone is always watching." Aizawa warned.

Mina hugged Izuku from the side "You can count on us! Thanks again!"

"Copy, have a good night." Aizawa said before hanging up.

Mina then turned to Izuku "Isn't this great, Midori!"

Izuku chuckled "Yeah. I'm pretty excited, I hope everything works out tomorrow. Oh! Jirou said you had her phone number, would you mind sharing it with me? She wants me to text her if I think of song ideas." 

Mina nodded and grabbed her phone "Sure thing!"

Meanwhile, Kota and Eri were currently taking a break from playing with toys to just talk.

"So. Do you like the house so far?" Eri asked curiously.

Kota sighed "It's nice... I don't have anything bad to say about it. Glad the UA staff put my bed in the guest room though."

"Oh..." Eri said a bit deflated "Sorry about the past few nights... I didn't know that you didn't like snuggling with me." 

Kota immediately blushed "W-What?!" He did his best to regain his composure quickly "I-It's just that... It gets a little cramped in your bed... A-And I feel like I might fall off."

One For Midori!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن