The Strength Of Family

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Doctor Author "Welcome! So, it turns out that my job gives me a lot of free time... Like... A LOT of free time. So, I decided to wrap up this arc.

Nothing groundbreaking in this chapter. Just thought it would be a good way to end the arc.

Thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Birds chirped as sunlight began to make it's way over the horizon. A new day with new blessings was already beginning. Most blessings however were incomparable to waking up next to Eri. All the girls were lucky enough to learn that firsthand. As soon as they all got up and ready for the day, they made their way downstairs and greeted their fellow classmates.

Mineta and Kaminari however, were discussing Eri in a discreet manner.

"Kinda weird isn't it?" Mineta started

"What's weird?" Kaminari replied

"Having a girl like Eri on school grounds. I mean, props to Midoriya for being a good guy and all but it feels weird." Mineta explained

Kaminari watched the girls make breakfast with Eri. "I see what you mean. I dunno, I kinda like it. Reminds us what we're training to protect, I guess."

"I'm glad you both see it that way." Iida interrupted, catching both of their attention. "It's nice to see you both remembering why you're here."

Mineta raised an eyebrow "Huh? All I said was it was weird. Don't get all preachy on us this early, man."

Iida almost scolded him until Tokoyami put a hand on his shoulder, clearly indicating it wasn't worth it.

Once Eri saw Tokoyami, she jumped out of her chair and ran up to him "Good morning mister!" She greeted with a smile.

"Morning Eri." Tokoyami greeted. "I take it you slept well?"

Eri nodded "Sleepovers are really fun, do you wanna sleep over at my house one day?"

"Maybe later, for now. Go eat. Your foods getting cold." Tokoyami suggested while trying not to smile. Eri nodded and was about to return to the table until the doors flew open.

Aizawa and Bakugo walked into the dorms, immediately putting everyone on edge. Most of the class got into battle ready positions... Even Kirishima.

Eri was putting on a brave face but truthfully she was quite nervous. Jirou picked up on this and gave the girl a small, comforting hug as Tokoyami stepped between them and Bakugo.

Bakugo froze, he barely had time to comprehend the weight of his guilt until Aizawa shoved him.

"March..." Aizawa commanded.

The two went upstairs leaving everyone puzzled. The class still didn't let their guard down though. They wanted to know what was happening, after all.

Bakugo however was currently grabbing a bunch of clothes while he wondered what his life would be like now. Without the chance to be a Hero, he felt like life wasn't worth living. Trying to distract himself, he wondered what his lessons with Hound dog were going to be like. Given that he had rarely seen the teacher, he assumed that he was always busy. Guess he wasn't the only one that had anger problems here.

"Hurry up." Aizawa spoke up. "I don't want this to take any longer than it should."

Bakugo sighed and grabbed other necessities he would need as he then walked back to Aizawa. Aizawa lazily guided him back to the lobby where his classmates would shoot him glares.

Bakugo could feel it as he left the building. The respect of the ones he cared about, the pride he once had as a hero...

It was gone.

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