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I will be putting Shadow for the copy for you to follow along better, because they share a name in MOST cases in this story. You're welcome :) Loosely based on a movie called "Braid". Also, ignore mistakes. ;w;


On the outskirts of the city, Sonic and his friends lived near one another. The city was far too loud for everyone for many reasons and they opted to build a small street of houses they called 'Hero Street' seeing as it was where you could find them all... five of these friends were living right next to one another. Sonic, Miles -otherwise known as Tails-, Knuckles, Amy, and Rouge. Fittingly, the anti-hero known as Shadow lived further away from the friends... but seeing as he thought of Rouge like a sister, he did spend the night at her home sometimes. They were always close... but they never expected to be as close as they were about to be. Sonic sprinted over to Amy's house just three houses down from his own, with a bag of sugar in his hands. Amy was baking with Cream, the hero in training, as well as Knuckles... who was mostly there to EAT the baked goods. "Got your sugar, Ames!" Sonic announced as he let himself in. "Sonic! About time, what took you so long?~" Amy teased. "Ouch... fine, I'll just keep my sweet sweet sugar." Sonic stated, but let Amy take the bag from him. "Yeah yeah, gimme!~" Amy returned to her mixing bowl, and Sonic watched. "Hey, Knux." Sonic greeted. "Hey, Sonic.... HOT!" Knuckles tried to seem indifferent to everything going on, but he bit into one of the freshly baked cookies... which he knew were not cooled yet. Sonic laughed as Amy scolded Knuckles for not waiting. Cream and her Chao even snickered quietly at the sight of Knuckles fanning the inside of his mouth. "HAH! Do that again, that was hilarious!" Sonic stated amongst his cackling. "Shut up! ...M'outh..." Knuckles pouted ever so slightly as he could still feel the burn on his tongue and the roof of his mouth. "Why didn't you spit it out?" Amy asked. "Because!~ We're the type of dudes to just decide which part of our mouths we like the least, and just deal with it." Sonic answered as Knuckles nodded in agreement. Sonic further proved his statement by also eating a hot cookie, burning his mouth with a 'Hahshafashasha!' making Knuckles and Cream laugh while Amy sighed at their stupidity. Amy was in charge of the snacks for their road trip, so she decided to bake some fresh cookies and muffins to add to her snack mixes and veggie trays. "Guys...! If you eat all the snacks now, there won't be any for the road!" Amy scolded, and Knuckles hummed. "Relax Amy, there's only gonna be five of us this time." "Yeah!~ There's more than enough~" Sonic said, trying to eat another cookie, but Amy slapped his hand away. "Noooo. Stop, you two are worse than a couple of toddlers." "...'m not a toddler..." Sonic said with a fake sniffle before pretending to cry. Everyone once again began laughing at Sonic's antics. Sonic stopped quickly, and began assisting Cream with taking the snacks to Amy's rented van as the last batch baked. As they brought the final batches out, they noticed Shadow and Rouge waiting by the van. "Heeey, Faker~ You joining us?" Sonic asked after noticing a bag in Shadow's grip. "Unfortunately..." Shadow mumbled. "He's VERY excited~" Rouge added, clearly being the reason Shadow agreed to join them. "Well make it six!~ The more the merrier." Sonic teased, leaning against his rival after placing the tray in his hands in the cooler. "NO!" Shadow screamed with a glare, making Sonic jump away in fear, and Cream and Rouge laugh. "You're funny, Mister Shadow!~ I have to get home now, I'm already late. Bye everybody!~ Have a nice trip!~" Cream and Cheese ran off together saying a quick hello and goodbye to Tails as he walked to the van. "This is gonna be SO fun!~" Tails cheered as he put his bag in the van. "I know right! Even the old grumphog is tagging along~" "I can hear you, you moron..." Shadow complained. "Really? That's great!~ Don't worry, Shadow, I'll make sure Sonic doesn't bug you too much." "Much appreciated, Fox." "Hey...!" The brothers and work partners talked as they waited for Amy and Knuckles to join them. Soon enough, the two joined, placing Amy's multiple bags in the vehicle, and Rouge and Shadow copied them. "...Sonic... please tell me you brought a bag." Tails said, knowing full well that Sonic had done no such thing as the hedgehog just scratched his head. "Yeeeeah, about that... I couldn't find my suitcase or my backpack, SOooo I'm just gonna have to buy essentials along the way and when we get there. No biggie?" Sonic stated, making his friends groan. "Next time, if you aren't packed, you're getting left behind. Alright gang!~ Load up and let's go!~" Amy said happily, and everyone climbed into their seats, driving along to get to their destination. Rouge immediately began taking pictures and videos, Sonic and Knuckles sang and danced to the music blaring from the car's speakers, Shadow read a book, and Amy and Tails played car games. They took turns driving, switching activities, ate some snacks, and remained blissfully unaware of the mistake one of them would soon make.

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