" Dammit! Lil, support me! " Ellie shouted and pulled out a dagger from her dimensional ring

With the dagger shrouded in wind, she dashed at me. At first, I was taken aback by Ellie coating her dagger in the wind, but then I realized that the dagger is also an artifact with a " wind coating" effect

Clashing my sword with her dagger, I was able to push her back, but she didn't give up. She started attacking me with deadly precision, showing that she is truly Arthur's disciple

Even with all her precision, she was still no match for me and after a couple of exchanges I pushed her back, which is when a water cannon conjured by Lilia came flying at me

Dodging it I was about to attack Lilia when I felt strong killing intent aimed at me. Turning around I boosted my mana output which was previously at one percent to its maximum

Two swords clashed, creating a powerful shockwave that sent both girls as well as their instructors flying

Looking at two golden eyes that attacked me just now, I smirked and conjured hundreds of wines below him, trying to grab him and get an advantage in this confrontation

I thought that I was able to catch him by surprise, but the moment my wines approached him blue fire burst out of him, burning my spell down to the ashes

" Good morning, darling" I said with a cocky smile, purposely calling Arthur darling in public knowing fully well that he hates it

" Good morning to you as well, my love" he said back, annoyance evident in his voice

After separating and sheathing our swords, we looked around, only to realize that we made a complete mess out of the backyard

" We went a bit overboard, haven't we? " I asked, getting dizzy just from the thought of how much repairing all of this would cost

" Maybe we did" Arthur said and held out his hand, revealing a golden rune on it

" I should probably fix it" he added and closed his eyes, concentrating " Aroa Requiem"

After muttering this, golden light filled the entire backyard and the time itself started reversing, fixing all the damage we made with our previous clash

Everyone looked at Arthur doing the impossible in ave, unable to believe what they just witnessed. Professors tried to understand, but the only thing they could come up with was that Arthur used some combination of earth and wind magic, unable to even think of the idea that he just manipulated the time itself

" Umm... " he said stretching before turning to me

" Shall we have a breakfast now? "

"... "

"... "

"... "

Everyone looked at him, trying to comprehend how could he be so casual about achieving something this ridiculous and then just wanting to eat something. I was one of them as well, but then I remembered, he is Arthur Leywin, doing abnormal and impossible things is just a hobby for him

" Yeah, let's go"


After taking a quick bath we went down to the dining room, where everyone waited for us to start eating

Arthur and I were dressed in our Lance uniforms, ready to leave for the castle the moment we were done eating and attend a very important meeting with the council regarding the newly discovered continent, aka Alacrya

Even though to the public they are acting as if everything is okay, the council is currently in an uproar due to the potential threat the Alacrya is presenting. Every day there are arguments and discussions about the actions we should take, and once again, the only conclusion they came to is that the Dicatheus should be sent to greet them

The ones who insisted on that are the greedy couple of Dwarven royals, who are as I found out the ones that betrayed us in the end and let the enemy on our continent

The one who is also supporting them is Blaine, who is much like them greedy for all the technology and riches the Alacrya is promising him. I was surprised when Arthur told me that it wasn't his greed that killed him, as I strongly believed it would be the case 

During the entire meal, Ellie and Lilia looked at us in ave, still under a strong impression from my and Arthur's previous clash. To be honest, we probably went a bit overboard on that one

" Ellie, don't stare at your brother and Miss Alea, it's rude" Alice scolded her daughter, who in return pouted

" Same goes for you Lilia" Tabitha added " Good god, where are your manners "

" Sorry Mom," they both said in unison and went back to their meal

Seeing the girls getting into trouble I felt that it was partly my fault, so after giving another look to them, I faced two beasts so fierce that even Arthur would surrender under the gaze of only one of them

" Miss Alice, Miss Tabitha,  please don't be so hard on them. During the training earlier Arthur and I went a bit overboard so they must still be in ave after seeing two with cores clashing with their full power" I pleaded, hoping that it would be enough to help the girls

" I see, then I guess I could forgive this stupid daughter of mine for now" Alice said with a chuckle

" Hey! I am not stupid!" Eleanor protested, dropping the meat on the floor in the process

" You seem pretty stupid to me" Arthur added, giving his little sister a cocky grin

" Hey! "

* Chuckle*

" Then it appears I will have to forgive Lilia as well"


After breakfast, Arthur and I flew out of the mansion and made our way toward the castle. During the flight, we chatted and bittered, occasionally even stopping to kiss in the skies

It didn't take us a while to reach the castle. Once we approached it, its magical and fairytale-like appearance once again took my breath away

When we landed at the entrance, all of the present soldiers and attendants greeted us with a salute

Approaching us was a tall man with tanned skin, wearing a black military uniform. Once he stood before us, he saluted again and then started to talk

" General Alea, General Arthur"

" Lieutenant Westone" Arthur returned his greeting with a casual nod

" Please follow me, the council is waiting for you"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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