He didn't see Hoseok through out that day, even in the night. Hoseok didn't come to sleep in his room like he always did.


The same thing happened the next day. Hoseok didn't bat an eye at Yoongi and each time Yoongi tried to start a conversation, Hoseok would ignore him.

Yoongi was taken by surprise when Taehyung came visiting, much to his annoyance.

Apparently, Hoseok had called Taehyung earlier in the morning to take him out. Normally, he always informed Yoongi first before going out, but now he didn't bother to tell the elder.

"What do you want?" Yoongi had snapped at The taller man who was standing in front of the door.

"Hello to you too". Taehyung said with his boxy grin. "Where's Hoseok?" He asked, looking over Yoongi's shoulder in search of the youngest, since Yoongi wouldn't let him in.

"I said what do you what?" Yoongi growled, clearly annoyed by the taller's presence.

"Hoseok asked me to come." Taehyung finally answered nonchalantly.

"Hoseok?" Yoongi questioned.

"Tae" an all too familiar voice called from behind Yoongi.

Yoongi turned around and faced Hoseok, clearly confused as to what was going on.

Hoseok in return gave the elder an emotionless stare, before turning his gaze Taehyung. "Let's go". He said to Taehyung, who in response stretched his hands for the younger to hold, giving a knowing smirk to Yoongi.

"Hoseok where are you going?" Yoongi didn't know if he should be angry at Hoseok or Taehyung.

"Out". Hoseok answered with a monotone voice, not sparing the elder a glance "I'll be back". With that, Hoseok dragged Taehyung with him, walking away, and before Yoongi knew it, they were out of his sight.


"what's the matter with you and Yoongi?" Taehyung asked as soon as they were in his car.

"Nothing!" Hoseok replied curtly, not sparing a glance at the taller male beside him, a frown fully displayed on his face.

Taehyung didn't say anything as he studied the younger for a while. Deciding to keep quiet, Taehyung stepped on the pedal, driving off to wherever Hoseok wanted them to go.

Hoseok had called him early in the morning, asking him if he could come over and they could hang out together.

Taehyung's never ending crush on Hoseok had jumped out of his bed immediately, rushing over to Yoongi's place.

"Ok spill" Taehyung said sternly, dropping his spoon down. They were at an ice cream shop. He couldn't bear to see Hoseok like this.

"It's nothing" Hoseok replied curtly as he messed around with his ice cream, a frown still plastered on his face.

"That doesn't look like nothing Hoseok". Taehyung said. "It's Yoongi, isn't it?"

Hoseok slowly nodded, a pout on his lips.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked.

"He wouldn't let me stay in the dorms." Hoseok mumbled, audible enough for the taller.

"Why do you want to stay at the dorms?" Taehyung asked, his brows furrowed.

"Because I've gotten admission to the university, you already know that." Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"That still doesn't explains why you want to live in the dorm. You can be going for your classes from Yoongi's place and back".

"I just want to be on my own, why does no one understands me?" Hoseok groaned, clearly frustrated, his favorite ice cream long forgotten.

You might have been thinking Taehyung would have supported him, considering that it would be a greater opportunity for Yoongi to be away from Hoseok. But he wasn't that selfish, Hoseok's safety comes first and Yoongi was the one in charge of his safety. He was greatful to Yoongi for that.

Although, Taehyung was absent when Hoseok went through all his shit with Sangchul, but Jungkook had told him all that had happened.

Hoseok was fine now, progressively forgetting all his shitty past, but things could go wrong at any minute and he would be back to his vulnerable state again.

Here you go guys.

Once again, I apologize for taking so long to update.

Also I won't be updating as frequent as before, I'll be updating once a week from now on, until my exams are over.

Good luck reading and please, don't forget to vote and comment.

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