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The day was bright and sunny as the Konoha 12 gathered for an outdoor picnic. Naruto and Banri had decided to host the get-together to celebrate a successful mission and spend some quality time with their friends. It had been a while since the group had all hung out together, and it was the perfect opportunity for everyone to catch up.

As they set up the picnic blankets and laid out the food, the group noticed Banri's extreme shyness when it came to Naruto. He blushed constantly, his voice soft and barely audible, making him appear even more adorable in the eyes of his friends. Naruto, on the other hand, was unashamedly affectionate towards Banri. He hung all over the redhead's smaller frame, hugging him possessively and stealing kisses whenever he could.

"Wow, Naruto, you're really smitten, huh?" Kiba teased with a grin.

Naruto chuckled, nuzzling Banri's cheek playfully. "You bet I am. Banri's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

The group exchanged knowing glances, all happy to see Naruto so in love and content. But they also couldn't help but notice how Banri's shy nature seemed to intensify around Naruto like he was afraid to say or do the wrong thing. It was evident that Naruto's presence had a powerful effect on him.

Sakura, always the observant one, noted the way Naruto's eyes constantly lingered on Banri's hair. It was truly a sight to behold - thick, crimson locks cascading down to his ankles like a river of fire. When sitting on the ground, Banri's hair pooled around him like a beautiful, vibrant halo.

"Banri, your hair is incredible," Sakura remarked, genuinely fascinated.

Banri looked surprised by the compliment but smiled shyly. "Thank you," he replied softly, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.

"It's like you have your own personal sunset following you around," Ino added with a grin.

Everyone laughed, and Banri's shy smile grew a bit wider, appreciating the kind words.

As the picnic went on, Naruto's fascination with Banri's hair became more apparent. He couldn't resist playing with the soft crimson locks, twirling them around his fingers and ruffling them playfully. Banri seemed to enjoy the attention, leaning into Naruto's touch as he fed him little bites of food.

Curiosity got the better of Sasuke, who had been watching the interaction between Naruto and Banri with keen interest. He was fascinated by the dynamic between them, how protective and possessive Naruto was, and how Banri seemed to find comfort in Naruto's affections.

Deciding to test the waters, Sasuke reached out and attempted to run his fingers through Banri's hair, just as Naruto had been doing. However, unlike Naruto, Sasuke didn't get the same warm response. Banri looked apprehensive and stiffened under the touch.

Sasuke ignored the warning signs and continued, but before he could make a second pass, he was met with a low, possessive growl coming from Naruto. The blonde's eyes flashed with Kyuubi's intensity, and his aura seemed to darken with a hint of danger.

"Naruto, relax," Sasuke said casually, trying not to let Naruto's reaction get to him.

But Naruto wasn't having any of it. He pulled Banri closer to him protectively, his grip firm yet gentle. "Sasuke, don't touch Banri or his hair unless you want to start something you can't finish," Naruto warned, his voice steady and serious.

The intensity in Naruto's eyes left no room for argument. Sasuke knew better than to provoke the blonde when he was like this. He backed off, raising his hands in a placating gesture.

"Fine, fine. I was just curious," Sasuke replied, trying to play it off as nonchalant.

Naruto's gaze softened as he turned his attention back to Banri, his possessive aura dissipating. "You okay, love?" he asked Banri gently.

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