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As the days turned into weeks, Naruto couldn't shake the fascination he had developed with Banri's crimson hair. He found himself entranced by the way it cascaded down Banri's back, its luscious shine reflecting the sunlight like a fiery waterfall. It had become a source of endless fascination and attraction for Naruto, to the point where he couldn't tear his eyes away whenever Banri was around.

The feelings that stirred within Naruto were new and overwhelming. He had always appreciated beauty, whether it was in nature or in his friends, but this was different. His heart raced every time he saw Banri's crimson locks, and he found himself daydreaming about running his fingers through them, feeling the softness between his fingertips.

However, Naruto's emotions were not one-sided. Kurama, who had witnessed all of Naruto's infatuations over the years, couldn't help but tease him relentlessly about his newfound "hair kink."

"You've got it bad, kid," Kurama chuckled, his voice echoing in the seal. "I've seen you admire Neji's hair before, but this is on a whole other level."

Naruto blushed, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson to match Banri's hair. "Shut up, Kurama," he muttered, trying to hide his embarrassment.

But no matter how much he tried to deny it, Naruto couldn't ignore the truth. His heart raced, his stomach fluttered, and his mind was constantly preoccupied with thoughts of Banri. Naruto was falling for him, and there was no denying it.

Despite his feelings, Naruto was cautious about revealing his emotions to Banri. He had seen the darkness in Banri's eyes, the pain and suffering that lingered within him, and Naruto didn't want to burden him further with his own feelings. The last thing he wanted was to make Banri uncomfortable or feel pressured.

But as they spent more time together in Naruto's apartment, Naruto couldn't help but feel like something was changing between them. The air around them was charged with unspoken emotions, and Naruto found himself drawn to Banri in ways he couldn't fully comprehend.

One morning, as they sat together at the small dining table, eating breakfast in comfortable silence, Banri finally broke the quietude with a question that had been lingering in his mind.

"Naruto," Banri began tentatively, his gaze fixed on his plate. "I've been meaning to ask... why do you always stare at my hair like that?"

Naruto's heart skipped a beat, and he could feel his cheeks turning even redder than Banri's hair. He stumbled over his words, trying to find a suitable explanation that wouldn't reveal his true feelings.

"I-I, well, um..." Naruto stammered, feeling Kurama's amusement growing in the back of his mind.

Banri looked up at him, his grey eyes searching Naruto's face for an answer. "It's just that... it's a bit strange, you know?" he said, a small smile playing on his lips.

Naruto chuckled nervously, trying to downplay his fascination. "I guess I just really like the color," he said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Banri raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced by Naruto's response. "Really? You seem to like it a little too much for it to be just about the color," he teased.

Naruto's mind raced, searching for a way to steer the conversation away from his true feelings. "Well, you know how I am with things I find interesting," he said, trying to make it sound like one of his usual quirks.

But Banri didn't let him off the hook so easily. He leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Interesting, huh? I think there's more to it than that," he said.

Naruto's heart pounded in his chest, and he felt a surge of panic rise within him. He couldn't let Banri see how he truly felt, not when he was already dealing with so much pain and suffering.

"I-I..." Naruto began, struggling to find the right words. "It's just... your hair is really pretty, okay? It stands out, and I can't help but notice it."

Banri chuckled, seemingly satisfied with Naruto's answer. "Well, thanks, I guess," he said, running a hand through his crimson locks.

Naruto's heart soared at the sight, and he found himself gazing at Banri with lovestruck eyes. It was becoming harder and harder to hide his true feelings, especially when they were alone together like this.

As the days went by, Naruto's infatuation with Banri only grew stronger. He found himself spending more and more time with the redhead, seeking any opportunity to be near him. He didn't leave his apartment unless it was absolutely necessary, sending shadow clones to do the shopping and hang out with friends instead.

One night, as they sat together on the couch, watching the stars through the window, Naruto couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. He turned to face Banri, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Banri, there's something I need to tell you," Naruto said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Banri looked at him curiously, his grey eyes locking with Naruto's blue ones. "What is it?" he asked softly.

Naruto took a deep breath, his mind racing with all the things he wanted to say. "I... I really like you, Banri," he confessed, his voice trembling with vulnerability. "I know you're going through a lot, and I don't want to add to your burden, but I can't help how I feel."

Banri's eyes widened, surprise evident on his face. "You... you like me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Naruto nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. "Yeah, I do. Your hair, your eyes, your strength... everything about you is incredible, and I can't stop thinking about you," he admitted.

Banri's expression softened, and he reached out to gently cup Naruto's cheek. "I never thought anyone would see me that way," he said, his voice tinged with emotion. "I've always felt like a burden, a curse. But you... you make me feel like maybe I can be more than that."

Tears welled up in Naruto's eyes, and he leaned into Banri's touch. "You're so much more than that, Banri," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "You're strong, and kind, and so incredibly brave. And I want to be here for you, to support you in any way I can."

Banri pulled Naruto into a gentle embrace, holding him close as if he never wanted to let go. "Thank you, Naruto," he whispered. "Thank you for seeing me, for seeing something worth loving in me."

Naruto smiled, his heart overflowing with love and happiness. "You're worth so much more than you know," he said. "And I promise, I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

As Naruto held Banri in his arms, he couldn't help but marvel at how different they were physically. Naruto was tall and muscular, his body honed from years of training and fighting as a shinobi. In contrast, Banri was smaller and leaner, with a delicate softness to his features that Naruto found endearing.

Banri's crimson hair tickled Naruto's nose, and he couldn't resist burying his face in it, inhaling the faint scent of the earth and something uniquely Banri. Naruto felt a sense of protectiveness wash over him, wanting to shield Banri from any harm or pain.

"You're so small and soft," Naruto whispered with a smile, pressing a gentle kiss to Banri's temple. "It's kinda cute."

Banri let out a soft chuckle, his arms wrapping around Naruto's waist in return. "And you're big and strong," he said, his voice tinged with warmth. "But I kinda like it."

Naruto wore a flushed expression but it was immediately relaxed when Banri ran his fingers over Naruto's ear and into his golden locks. Naruto could feel himself wanting to drool, he groaned softly as Banri giggled before settling down. "You're teasing me," the blonde could feel the sparks in his system, the pooling feeling he felt in his lower region. 

"Maybe, just maybe," Banri murmured.

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