Chapter 20 * Jimin*

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Finally the day as finally arrived to face my stalker

The feeling of fear rushes through my spine but I shake it away as I stare at the mirror in my toilet

'You've got this jimin '

'Yeah, everything going to go smoothly as planned ' I said to myself as I splash water on my face trying to wash away the fear

Once done, I wipe my face with the towel and head out fully refreshed walking to my closet to pick my outfit

While doing that I go through my phone seeing a text from seijin on the time


'Just wanted to remind you that you're meeting your stalker at 9am okay ' he texted

'Okay' I texted back

Once done getting dressed, I check the time 8:00

'Only an hour left great' I sigh

Stepping out of my room and heading to the kitchen to make some breakfast

'At least, if I'm gonna meet my stalker might as well feel my belly right' I thought as I start making my breakfast

Once done, I heard to the garage to get my car leaving a note for the guys


I heard to the destination of my confrontation with my stalker fan before time

It was the park scheduled in a serene area of the park. Due to the fact it was still early the park was scarce with only a few joggers

I feel a hand on my shoulder and flinch turning around to see seijin

"Jeez man you scared me " I said

"Sorry" he apologised

We start walking to the meeting area as we go through the plan

"So you meet your stalker, distract her and we capture her, got it" he asked

"Got it, but you sure this will work " I asked doubting the plan

"Of course it will work and just to be sure we have the police not too far away so they won't be able to escape " he assured

"Okay, if you say so" I said

We talk for some while going to safety precaution and backup plans in case if one backfires from unforseen circumstances

Once done going through the plan. We heard to the park bench and discuss the projects for our latest demo and my single crazy

"You really sure you want to do this. I mean it's too late to back down now " seijin said fixing his gaze deeply at me looking for any sign of hesitation

"Yeah, I really want to do this, not just for or my brothers but also for my soulmate whoever he or she is " I said feeling a sting of pain in heart at the mention of my soulmate

I'm already twenty-two and yet no initial just like my brothers and with jungkook turning of age and no soulmark also

Now all of us don't have a soulmark and are soulless but still I choose to believe, I have a soulmate

My heart refuses to accept the fact of being soulless and move on even if the signs are out there

"Hey, jimin, you okay" seijin said snapping me out of my clouded thoughts on soulmate and soulless

"Yeah, I'm alright just spaced out for some seconds " I said brushing it off as the most important thing now was capturing my stalker

"Ohh, okay well just wanted to say it almost time and I should start getting into position " he said as he get up from the bench checking his watch

"Okay, bye " i said

"Yeah, bye and goodluck" he said goes to the others in disguise

"Okay jimin it's time to put a end to this once and for all" I said determined as I get to position


Wow it's finally time for jimin to meet his stalker

I'm so excited for it

I am so so sorry for keeping you guys waiting and slow to update

I've just been busy with personal issues and didn't have time also ran out of inspiration like seriously


But guess what inspiration finally came knocking on the door and I answered 😁😁 ( But not in the toilet )

So I'll try and make a schedule to update

I really hope you like this chapter and the ones before and the ones to come

So please vote, comment and follow

XOXO @ch41s5

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