[Far away]

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Neteyam's parents were frantic when Ao'nung had broken the news and your father instantly shot up from his seated position equally exasperated.

Your mother's face scrunched up in both confusion and frustration. She'll likely ask for more details as to how all this happened.

And on your watch nonetheless. You could tell just by the way she glanced at her husband and then to you who was standing a little back from the commotion. Despite that her eyes still found you.

Overall your mother probably didn't know how to feel at this point in time.

The explanation Ao'nung gave was rather vague. Not telling the parents how or why Lo'ak was out there.

What Ao'nung had meant by 'somewhere restricted' (said in previous chapter) was out of the coast.

Out of the protection of the reef and its inhabitants. Out of their mercy and control.

Even you had the slight doubt that the stranded boy would even make it out. Even if he did it was almost impossible that he would be left unscathed.

What was Ao'nung thinking when he brought up the idea?

Obviously he thought it was hilarious, but now you had the risk of having a dead kid on your hands. No less a kid from a family who came to your people for help.

They could've stayed in their forest if they were going to die anyway.

Some protection.

All because of some stupid joke taken too far and now you had to be dragged into it.

Your father pinched the bridge of his nose and his eyebrows were drawn together in confusion.

"Why-" He stops himself from asking such a unnecessary question, "[Name]."

You subconsciously straighten up your posture and school your face into a neutral expression compared to your angered one before.

"Father." You adress him respectfully in front of the crowd as you step closer to be in better view of the Chief.

Your father wondered in that brief moment, how you could be so calm about the situation at hand. The confusion was brushed off with a sense of pride.

He was proud his son could keep a level head. One of the important traits one must have towards becoming a leader. Which he had yet to talk to his eldest son about.

"Take your brother and look for the boy." He rushed wanting to express his urgency.

The last thing he wanted was the Sully family thinking he didn't care for their own children. They would get their son back.


"I'll go." Neteyam's voice rang out and you turned your head to him. There was that blind confidence again.

"Neteyam-" Neteyam's father cut in trying to get his son to listen. He wouldn't lose his other son over this. It was too risky and going against the Chief was another thing all together.

His mother wanted to argue saying he had no right to stop their eldest son. It was his little brother after all. His responsibility. So, she understood his want to go.

Their minds worked very differently and they clearly had other priorities.

You give your brother a glare signaling him to show you where he and Rotxo had left Lo'ak.

He quickly yet stubbornly followed your silent command and you turn to do as your father had asked.

Neteyam notices the movement out of the corner of his eye after the distraction of his parents display.

He looks back to surprisingly meet your eyes who had already been looking at his.

You jerk your head outside the occupied hut and mouth 'come on' to the unsuspected boy.

It was a simple gesture that caught him off guard. It was so plain and simple, but it meant the world to him.
You don't bother waiting for him as you silently make your way out as if you knew he'd follow not long after.

He appreciated it.

Neteyam broke out into a light jogg trying to catch up. You might not look like it, but you were fast on your feet almost as if you shared Neteyam's desperation to get his brother back.

He knew you absolutely didn't.

Ao'nung dives into the water head first and you call for your Ilu quickly after.

"Get on." You mutter to Neteyam so only he could hear.

"I can get on my own." He protests.

"I doubt you are as good." You refer to yourself and dispite the familiar scowl on your face -which was directed at him one too many times- Neteyam could hear the teasing undertone in your voice.

He found it strange that he even picked up such a detail. It was so stupidity endearing.

Neteyam guessed you were right. You did have more experience after all.

"The water is unfamiliar to you." You say while effortlessly getting on your Ilu.

"And I would rather I keep an eye on you."

Neteyam understands in an instant and swims the short distance to reach the Ilu and just as effortlessly gets on the creature with one clean movement.

Neteyam makes himself comfortable infront which defeated half the purpose of you both riding together. Now Neteyam had to be the one to make the bond because he was obviously closer.

He did that on purpose didn't he?

You want to say more, but bite your tongue deciding it was not the place nor the time.

You follow Ao'nung and Neteyam's heart sinks when they get further and further away from land and Ao'nung still hasn't stopped.

Just how far did he take Lo'ak?

Neteyam hears you curse under your breath and that's when he realized just how close you actually were. Which was stupid because why would he only notice or pay attention now?


An arm wraps itself loosely around his waist and Neteyam almost felt like throwing himself off his ride.

You couldn’t possibly see his face and even if you could Neteyam keeps a -hopefully- neutral expression.

It's only when the Ilu shook and swerved out of control for a brief moment that Neteyam's ears slightly flush a dark blue.

The turbulence only caused your arm to tighten around the boy as you try to hold on, unaware of Neteyam's struggle.

Ao'nung stops finally and dives into the water with his Ilu.

'This is the place.'
Neteyam hopes he finds Lo'ak soon.

The description has changed!
It's a snippet from a chapter I'm still editing, but it's almost complete^^

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