Aether-Life Eternal

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"I know I can't convince you, so I guess it's fine." he said and I smiled."Thank you." I said. But I was very sure that it would get better until tomorrow. I just needed a bit sleep."You wanna go sleep?" Aether asked and I nodded a bit."Yes I'm tired." Aether started smiling, softly before he stood up."Let's go upstairs." we both stood up and walked together upstairs while we were holding our hands. Suddenly the pain got worse and I couldn't breathe anymore.

"Whisp?" I heard Aether ask, worried, and felt his hand on my shoulder. "I-I can't ... breathe." I whimpered and tried to take a deep breathe but I just couldn't. I lost control over my body and just fell. Before I could hit the ground, Aether catched me and laid me into his lap."Whisp? What's wrong? Please tell me." he asked and I looked at him, scared. "The pain... It got worse.!" I saw that he took out his phone and called someone. Maybe the ambulance but I couldn't hear what he was saying. "The ambulance is on the way." he said and I looked at him."I'm scared." I said and he stroke my cheek.

"Don't be scared, Love of my Life. I'm right here." he said and gave me a soft kiss."Aether, I think I'm going to die." I said and I didn't knew why I thought that. I just had the feeling that my life was coming to an end. I was scared even though I knew I'd go to hell after it. I didn't wanted to leave Aether but I knew I had to. "You won't die my love." he said. "I know you can do this because you're so strong." I smiled an I really tried to smile back but I couldn't. I just felt so weak. "We can do this. We had so many worse times, You'll get better again." I finally smiled a little bit."You always were my hero, did you know that?" I asked and Aether had to smile very big."I know. And you are mine."

Aether started to hum a song but it got Harder to breathe so I couldn't enjoy it. "Aether, don't worry. I'm just tired" I said and I wasn't scared anymore. I felt good in his arms."I know my Sweetie. And I love you so much" I said and I had to smile a bit. "I love you too, teddy bear" He gave me a soft kiss and I was so tired that I closed my eyes. I felt like I had to sleep. "Keep your eyes open, Love. You have to stay awake" he said and shook me slightly but his voice sounded like he was far away. I wanted to see if he was still there but I hadn't enough energy to open my eyes. I just felt him so he had to be here. Now the world started to get dark. And I fell asleep.

-Aethers Pov-I watched worriedly as the love of my life lay in my lap and didn't move anymore. I was scared but I still had hope she'd wake up again. The ambulance had to be here soon. I started to sing "Life Eternal" for her. It was our favourite song. We played it on our wedding when we had our first dance. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I carefully laid whisp down in the ground and ran downstairs to open the door.

Two paramedics and an emergency doctor stood infront of it and looked at me. "Follow me!" I said and walked upstairs again. Whisp still was unconscious so they sat down next to her and started to do their stuff while I was watching."How old is she?" The doctor asked while he opened her shirt. "36 years" I said and he nodded."Does she have any allergies or medical conditions?" He asked but I shook my head."No. Not that I'd know" I said while I still was looking.

"We have to get her to the hospital" they said after a while and pointed at the stretcher before he looked at me."Sadly you have to drive on your own" I nodded immediately."I will follow you!" They took her up and brought her into the ambulance. I took my car keys quickly and followed them as fast as I could. I didn't even stopped when the traffic light was red. I knew it was dangerous but I didn't wanted to leave her. When I arrived at the hospital I had to stay in the waiting room. It felt like hours even though it was just 40 minutes. I sat down before I stood up again after a few minutes. I walked around and sat down again and looked around. I laid my head onto my hands and just waited for something to happen.

When the doctor came out of a door I jumped from my seat and looked at him."How is she? Is she allright?" I asked and he looked at me, calmly."I'm so sorry but you wife died" he said slowly and I looked at him shocked. "I beg you pardon?" I said because I wasn't sure if I understood him right. She wasn't dead! She couldn't!"Your wife had a heart attack. There was nothing more we could do for her" I sank down into my chair again and looked at him, shocked. That couldn't be true! If just couldn't! "You wife never arrived the hospital alive." He said but I just felt so... Stunned. The doctor sat down next to me but no one talked for a while.

Ghost bc oneshots english Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora