"Maybe Zayn and Louis met him when they got there Harry. You can't freak out just because Louis is around another boy. I'm sure he'll introduce us to their new friend soon and we'll all get along just fine. But you can't be mad at Louis for making a friend, you should actually be happy about that." 

"But you didn't see the way he smiled. I'm in love with him Liam." 

Liam lets out a defeated sigh before speaking again. "I know Harry. I'll be over in a few minutes okay. Make sure your door is unlocked." 

And with that, Liam hangs up the phone. Harry stares at his screen for a minute before getting up and going into the bathroom. He turns the water on and splashes his face a few times, letting the water run down his neck and soak his shirts collar. He turns the water back off and walks back into his room, laying down and staring at the ceiling until Liam gets there. 

He hears the front door open without making any effort to move as he hears Liam greet Anne. He assumes his mother is speaking to Liam in whispers, probably telling him all about how much of a mess Harry currently is. He hears Liam yell out a thank you as he thumps up the stairs. 

"Your footsteps are loud." Harry says it as soon as Liam opens the door, and although he can't see Liam he can feel the eye roll that comes from the boy immediately after. 

"I'm sorry what was that? I can't hear you when your head is buried into a pillow. Would you like to try that again Harry?" Liam says it in a teasing tone as he sits down next to Harry on the bed, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. 

Harry rolls over without sitting up, his eyes shooting daggers into Liams face. Liam just shows him a toothy grin as he squeezes his arm. 

"Lovely to see you too, my best mate. I would ask how you're feeling but" Liam trails over, sweeping his eyes over Harrys bloodshot eyes and wrinkled shirt. "I think I already know, so I'll spare you of saying it out loud."  

Harry nods and finally sits up. Without any hesitation, he lets himself fall into Liams side and Liam wraps his arms around him. His arms are warm and welcoming, but Harry always seems to notice how they're just a little more toned than Louis' and a little bit longer, making Liam hug himself while holding Harry so his hands don't sit awkwardly. 

Harry sighs, but he doesn't have to say anything because Liam knows exactly what he's thinking about. That's one thing Harry has always appreciated about his best friend. He never has to voice what he's feeling because Liam always just knows. And when small, wet tears are starting to fall down Harry's face, Liam just rocks him back and forth a little bit more. 

They sit like that for a few minutes before Harry mutters out a small 'sorry' as he wipes at the wet spots on Liams shirt and Liam just says, 'It's okay to not feel good.' And this is always their routine, but Harry doesn't mind because it's comfortable and its soft. It reminds him that Liam is here, with him, and that he's okay. He's alive. This has been their routine since they were ten and neither of them would have it any other way. 

Liam holds up his hand and flashes it back and forth in and out of a fist as if to ask Harry how much longer he needs without making noise, to which Harry holds his own hand in a fist to signal a zero as he leans out of Liams hold.

Liam smiles and gets up, walking to his abandoned backpack behind Harrys door. He pulls out a small grocery bag and walks back over, dumping it on Harrys bed. A pile of Harry and Liams favorite snacks and drinks falls onto the blankets and Harry feels his eyes welling up all over again. 

Liam tilts his head in a questioning manner and Harry lets a smile grow on his face. He loves Liam, and Liam loves him equally as much. Liam grins back at him and picks up a bag of crips, throwing it in his direction. Liam sits back down next to Harry as he grabs the remote and turns the channel onto a random cartoon. 

"So, are we going to talk about it or pretend that it's not real for a while?" 

Harry goes stiff and Liam leans over to massage his shoulders. He holds his breath in his cheeks, making himself look like a chipmunk before letting go and sighing. 

"Louis told me he's gay and my first thought was that maybe I had a chance. I feel pathetic for even thinking that. He probably sees me as his little brother or something." 

Liam, trying and failing to keep a straight face, starts howling with laughter as he rolls on the bed. Once he finally composes himself, he looks up at Harry with tears in his eyes. 

"You're being serious?" 

Harry sticks out his lip in a pout as he frowns, confusedly nodding. Liam shakes his head and a small smile makes its way onto his face. 

"Harry do you not pay attention mate? I promise you that the way Louis looks at you is not the way a guy should be looking at his brother." An idea lights up in his head as he fully turns his body towards Harry. "You know how Lottie, bless her, has a huge crush on you even though she won't ever admit it?" 

Harry nods, hesitant on where Liam is going with this. 

"I'm not going to date Lottie. Thats like, pedophilia." Harry states it matter-of-factly, and Liam bursts into another set of giggles while lightly smacking Harrys arm. 

"That is absolutely not what I am saying Harold, oh my god! What I was getting to was that her and Louis both have this same look every time they see you. And you know what that look is, Harry? They look at you like you just hung the moon and the stars for them." 

Liam goes quiet as if to let what he just said soak in Harrys brain. He's grateful for the silence as he contemplates it. Suddenly he shakes his head, lips pressed together tightly. 

"No Li, I just don't see it." 

Liam rolls his eyes. "Harry you don't see it because it's you. If he looked at me, or Zayn, or Niall that way you would have immediately said something. You don't see the way he stares at you when you're not looking, or the way he hangs onto your every word as if he just heard the most wonderful thing in the world. The way he shushes everyone, even his own mother, just to hear you speak." 

By this point, Harrys face is burning red as he listens to Liam speak. His eyes are wide as if he can't believe what he's hearing, but Liam pays no mind to him as he continues. 

"I'll be damned if that boy isn't in love with you. I know you've seen the differences between you two and the rest of the group." Harry goes to speak and Liam cuts him off quickly, knowing what he's going to try and say. "It is not just because you guys met first, or because you guys are closer. Yes, those are factors and that's not a bad thing at all, but it has nothing to do with the way Louis treats you. He touches you as if you're an antique porcelain doll and he couldn't bear to drop you. Like you're a family heirloom he doesn't want to lose. I mean it's insane. To him, you're delicate. That's why he's always so protective and doesn't want the rest of us to be rough on ya Harry." 

Harry opens his mouth to say something back, but he can't think of anything to say so he just closes it again and keeps staring at Liam with his wide eyes. Liam smiles and holds up the bag of crisps from earlier. 

"Wanna play some video games? I'll spend the night tonight if you want." 

Harry just nods and takes the controller from Liams hand as he loads up the console. Harry already knows his brain is going to be running to fast and too far for any good sleep tonight. Louis has completely consumed his thoughts for the evening. 


Wanted to upload this yesterday but I was so tired I couldn't finish writing. I feel like Lirry is so underrated, but I love them so this is a Lirry chapter and I hope you love it because I do. Apologize in advance for any mistakes, I didn't review this chapter too thoroughly as I wanted to get it posted!

How do y'all feel about Stan coming into play?

I'm already working on the next chapter ;)

Stolen Kisses; Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu