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『#3: "There's no way we'll make it." 』


Koda and Elise were taking their long walk around the place and it felt amazing but Elise felt something weird when she turns to look far at the distance. She doesn't know why but she suddenly felt eerie as if someone was watching her from the distance, she just thought that it was just her thoughts so she ignored it.

When time passes by, Koda excused himself and told Elise that he'll just buy something that he needs. Elise just smiled and told him that she'll be alright waiting for him in a moment, Koda then nods and told her that he'll be quick before he walked away.

Just as Koda disappeared, someone suddenly grabbed Elise's hand. She was about to scream for help but she was shocked that it was her brother, he scoffed angrily as he lets go of her hand.

- "What are you doing in here?"

He asked angrily, Elise trembled as she looked at her brother's intimidating eyes. She could only lower her head to avoid looking at him and just remained silent so that she won't get harmed by him.

- "So this is why you didn't answer or replied at me?"
- "The owner of Auberon Enterprises, you got taste."

He said coldly, Elise knew that she was done for. Their father would be so disappointed in her for being with someone who their family considers as an enemy, she could only choose to stay quiet.

- "Tell me, do you even know who he REALLY is?"
- "You see him as a nice guy, but that's what you think."

He said angrily, Elise could feel that she was being threatened by her own entire family even if it was only her brother's voice that she could hear. Drake explains that Koda was not someone worth her trust, he may be the one who owns the Auberon Enterprises but he's also the one who destroyed it to obtain it.

- "What are you talking about?!"

She asked confusingly, Elise doesn't want to hear another lie from her brother. But that thought came across her mind, does she really know Koda? Did Koda even told her who he really was?

- "Why don't you find out yourself?"

He said before he let out an evil grin, he then walked away as he noticed Koda glaring at him from over the distance. Elise felt her legs giving in from trembling so much, Koda hurriedly ran towards her and asked if she was alright. Elise could only look at him with a scared look on her face, Koda then held her in his arms to comfort her as she tried to stop her tears.

- "It's alright, he won't hurt you."

He said gently, Elise wishes that this moment could stay just a bit more longer. Koda holds her tight as night fell and it was time for them to head back to the hotel, she could only stay quiet as she pondered on her thoughts about what her brother told him.

Elise and Koda then arrived at the hotel and noticed a crowd around the lobby, they heard that there was a shooting happening at the moment. Elise was eager to look what kind of shooting but she instantly regretted it when she found out that it was her brother Drake's drama series that was being held.

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