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『#3: "Even sadness, it passes when the tears dry" 』


Rayver was one of the descendants of the black tiger deities that guards the depths of the mountains, he was known as the next successor that will be next in line for the responsibility of protecting the mountains under his command.

He was a still young cub as he roamed around the forest, he finds himself getting lost after dwelling too far from his home. He was about to turn away to leave when someone lifted him in their arms, he was a bit surprised to find a young girl.

- "Mother, look! I found a kitten!"

The girl yelled out, Rayver was dumbfounded when he was called a kitten by a little girl even if he's a tiger. The mother then told the little girl that they'll be heading home, the girl felt a bit upset that they have to leave the kitten behind but she couldn't.

- "Here, hide in my basket."

The little girl offered, Ravyer had no choice but to hide in the girl's basket and take him home secretly which frustrates him so easily. The little girl carries her basket as they walked home, she then hid him inside her room as they arrived in a small hut.

- "Stay here, I'll bring you something to eat."

The little girl said, she then smiled softly at Rayver before she left to take some food for him. He was a bit confused about the village because most of them are hidden, the hut was small but it was enough for them to live in as a family.

Rayver then realized that he was in a village where medicinal herbs can be found so easily around, he felt his nose was about to lose its function because of how strong their scents were. The girl then came back and Rayver immediately hid under her sheets, he was then surprised when she was carrying a piece of meat on her hand and felt a little hungry.

- "Here, I know this might help you grow healthy and strong."

The girl said, she smiled softly again at Rayver as she offered the meat from her hands to him. He had no choice but to eat it, he savored every bite that he even licked the little girl's hand.

- "Wait, that tickles!"

The girl exclaimed, she started laughing as Rayver licked the leftover meat on her palm. As her hands were cleaned, she patted his head. Rayver was a bit curious but all he can see is how the little girl just softly smiled at her.

- "I'm Hannah, I hope we'll get to live together forever."

She said, Rayver then gazed upon the little girl's words and wondered whether he could live with a mortal whose kindness were so out of this world. He then started to warm up around her and soon, they started playing together.

[ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ]


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