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Fiona found herself waking up by the birds chirping outside the window and the warm sunshine bathing her face as she opened her eyes faintly, she was then surprised as she found a handsome stranger sleeping quietly right next to her.

Fiona couldn't even recall how she even ended up in a place that she had never seen, she was only reading a novel that she's been finding and now found herself on a bed with a stranger beside her.

Fiona then glanced at the stranger as he sleeps so calmly, she found herself being wrapped in a blazer that seems that it belongs to the stranger, she was a bit grateful because it kept her warm. It even has the scent of fresh river from a cold mountain in winter, she then looked at the stranger and she was shocked to find that the stranger was already sitting on the bed as he woke up from his sleep.

Fiona was shocked that she moved far away the bed quickly that made the young man look back at her and their eyes met, she was then amazed to see someone with such deep ocean blue eyes that she didn't notice that she was about to fall from the bed.

Fiona couldn't react as she was about to fall when someone immediately caught her hand and pulled her closely, she then got back up the bed but Fiona found herself on top of the stranger while they were on the bed together.

- "Are you okay?"

He asked nonchalantly, Fiona immediately stood up and went away from the stranger who saved her from falling. She found herself in a very awkward situation that shr turned her head away out of embarrassment.

- "I'm fine, t-thank you..."

She said shyly, the stranger then stood up from bed and nodded before he walked away. Fiona was confused as she watched the stranger walking away, she then went to leave the bedroom and finds herself in an unfamiliar place. Fiona went to take a look around and found a lot of many books that include a few collections and even a few limited edition books separated on each shelf.

Fiona have never thought that the stranger who was currently downstairs was a high-privileged bookworm, but also a very mysterious person. She then found the stranger preparing breakfast, the stranger then glanced at her as she thought she won't get noticed.

- "Are you hungry? Let's eat breakfast."

He said in a nonchalant tone, Fiona couldn't refuse the offer since she felt a little hungry. She then went over the table and sat across the stranger, the stranger then filled up her plate and they began to eat together.

The silent atmosphere somehow bothers Fiona as she ate her food, the tension felt heavy while the stranger didn't mind at all until he noticed that she was getting uneasy by the atmosphere between them.

- "Are you sure you're not hurt?"

Liam asked coldly, Fiona then nodded nervously as she took a bite of her food. She then apologized for acting like that earlier but Liam didn't mind, he then admits that he was sorry because he can't communicate much.

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