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Lea was cleaning the café as they were closing up in just a few more minutes, Allyza was not at work today because she was at an important test where it could improve her grades for the upcoming mid-terms.

After closing up the café, she went outside to look for Kyler because she could always find him waiting for her every night once her shift was over. But strangely, Kyler was nowhere to be seen. Lea was then startled as someone then covered her eyes from behind, she then recognized who it was.

- "Kyler, can you take it off now?"

- "Oh, you caught me."

He teasingly said as he removed his hands, Kyler then offered to carry Lea's bag and they both went out for a walk that they didn't even wanted to go home and they just walked without even caring where they go.

They both enjoyed accompanying the other as they talked about many fun things to smile at, jokes that could make them laugh and some moments that became memorable to them.

Lea was then surprised as they both came across a large pedestrian lane with so many crowded people, they were at the largest places around the city. They both then walked through the crowd but Lea found herself getting stuck between the crowd through the pushing and pulling from different sides.

Lea was struggling at getting out of the pedestrian that she was getting cramped until she felt like suffocating, that was until someone grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. Lea could feel like crying until she got pulled and landed on the person's chest, she looked up and saw Kyler looking at him as he held her hand.

- "Just hold my hand if you don't want to get lost here."

- "Okay, thank you."

She faintly answered, they both stood through the crowd crossing the pedestrian lane. They then went to cross on the other side and Lea just continued to hold Kyler's hand as they were walking on the sidewalk, she wanted to admit that she felt scared earlier when she almost got lost on the pedestrian lane.

Lea sighed in relief as Kyler gave her his hand and took her out of there, Kyler saw this and thought that she looked very adorable at the moment.

After a few moments, Lea started to feel like her mind was about to turn blank as she watched her footsteps. Lea and Kyler stayed silent as she thought about the first time that she walked with someone this quiet, she then looked at Kyler and their eyes met.

He smiled at her, Lea finds herself falling for him hard like she couldn't control her heart skipping when Kyler is around her. Lea then suddenly let go of his hand out of impulse and ran away from him to a short distance.

Lea stopped running as she catched her breath, she then turned around and found Kyler from the short distance. He was smiling at her as he slowly walked his way towards her, he gets closer and closer with his every step that made her heart skip a beat. 

- "I knew you'd wait for me."

He said as he smiled, Lea could only remain quiet as she took his hand. He was staring at her for the past few moments, he could only ask where they could go.

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