The Forest of Dean

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Author's Note: So, so sorry it took me so long to update. Life has been crazy. Hope you like it! Let me know what you think.

Quote from DH in the middle. All credit to JKR.


Madeline and Lucius Malfoy were walking arm in arm along the snow-covered sidewalk in Hogsmeade.

"Thank you for coming with me, Lucius. Severus won't let me go anywhere alone anymore, and I didn't want to spoil his Christmas gift. You're the only one he trusts to escort me."

"Happy to do it, Kitten. Anything to get out of that damned house," he replied, shuddering slightly.

"I know. I'm sorry, Lucius."

"It's alright. There's nothing for it at the moment."

Madeline looked up into his handsome face as he stared dully ahead. Azkaban had aged him and the stress of the Dark Lord occupying his home had taken its toll, as well. He was still a beautiful man, but he looked hopeless and haunted. So much of that mischievous spark that always danced behind his ice blue eyes had disappeared, the impish smile that teased the corners of his aristocratic mouth was gone. Her heart ached for him.

Madeline was bloody sick of heartache. It was never-ending. She was sick with grief for Severus, for Lucius and Narcissa, for Draco, for the children at the school, for all they had lost, and even for herself (though she fought daily to avoid sinking into a pit of melancholy).

As Madeline and Lucius neared the book shop, she stopped dead in her tracks at an unexpected sight.

Remus. It was Remus Lupin.

He was entering the apothecary, and the sharp stab of sorrow she felt at seeing her friend and knowing she couldn't speak to him or hug him or kiss his cheek almost brought her to her knees. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, suppressing the stinging tears that threatened to spill from beneath her lashes.

Concerned, Lucius wrapped an arm around her waist, catching her before she fell to the ground.

"What is it, Kitten?" he inquired, his brow furrowed. "What's wrong? Are you ill?"

"No, no," she stammered. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

He tipped her chin up to look into her face. "Are you certain? You almost collapsed. Severus will murder me if I allow anything to happen to you." He smiled weakly.

She forced a laugh. "No, Lucius. I'm alright. Really."

She glanced up and noticed that Remus was staring at her, an odd look of longing, hatred, sadness, and disappointment fixed upon his scarred face. She held his gaze, unflinching, and Lupin hesitated before slowly and cautiously approaching them.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," muttered Lucious, rolling his eyes. "Here we go."

"Don't hurt him, Lucius, please. I'll deal with him."

"Madeline..." Lucius protested.

"Trust me."

Reluctantly, Lucius released his hold on her and she walked toward her former friend. His face was gaunt and drawn, as though he hadn't slept in weeks. He was thin - too thin - and his hair was peppered with more gray than the last time she'd seen him.

Lupin spoke first.

"Are you safe, Maddie?"

She nodded. "I am. Are you?"

He ignored the question. "Madeline, please. Come with me. I can protect you. I can get you out of this."

He glanced toward Lucius warily, his hand slowly disappearing beneath his robes as he reached for his wand. Madeline laid her hand on his wrist to stop him.

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