Show No Fear

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A white light burst forth from the tip of Madeline's wand as she hurried down the dark, secret passageway leading from the library to the dungeons. 

A tiny squeal of surprise escaped her lips when a rat skittered across the toe of her shoe, but she recovered quickly and continued toward her destination with singularity of purpose.

She had to get to Snape's potions lab at once.  She had spent all day in the restricted section poring over every book she could find in her search for an antivenom, and she had finally found what she thought was the missing ingredient that would lead to success at long last. 

Unicorn horn.

Why had she not thought of it before?  It was so obvious! It had literally been staring her in the face this entire time.  How could she have been so stupid? Unicorn horn was known for its purifying properties and was frequently used in antidotes to dozens of common poisons.  If she could just work out the exact amount needed in combination with the mistletoe, the bezoar, and Nagini's venom...


Madeline's wand flew out of her hand, plunging the passageway into pitch blackness, and she gasped as she was knocked back against the cold stone wall.  Her eyes grew wide with fear as she struggled to make sense of what was happening.


Madeline forced herself not to scream as she felt ropes suddenly binding her, crawling and slithering like a snake from her ankles up to her neck.

Stay calm, Maddie, she told herself. Stay calm.  Show no fear, just like Severus taught you.

"Who's there?" she called out, surprised at the steadiness of her voice.


"I said, who's there?" she repeated, louder this time.

"Hush, girl. You'll wake the dead if you keep making all that racket."

"Professor?" Madeline whispered in complete shock.

"Of course it's me," snapped Minerva McGonagall.  "Who else in this castle would have the gall to capture the headmaster's wife?"

Madeline sighed in relief and McGonagall lit her wand, bathing her lined face in a warm glow.

"Professor, what... why are you doing this to me?"

"Madeline, I assure you I will not harm you. I needed to speak with you privately and that... that man is always with you.   I felt this was the only way to get you alone."

"That man is my husband, Professor," Madeline replied defensively, the disgust in McGonagall's voice a knife to her heart.

"Yes, yes, I know," McGonagall hissed impatiently.  "Listen to me.  We haven't got much time.  I want to help you, Madeline."

"Help me?"

"Yes, lass, help you. Has Severus got you under some spell or curse?  Is he forcing you?  Has he threatened you?  Tell me now and we can work out your escape!"

"Professor, no! I'm not cursed.  I don't want to escape.  I remain at my husband's side willingly." Her spirit was breaking, and she blinked back hot tears.  It was killing her to hear someone she respected as much as Minerva McGonagall speak so hatefully about the man she loved, but there was nothing for it.  It was all part of his great sacrifice. 

"But you must be jinxed or bewitched or something of the like! This isn't you!  You are not a dark witch.  There's not an evil bone in your body.  You wouldn't hurt a fly.  I've seen you keep mice in your pocket and heal wounded birds."

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