𝟎𝟐𝟗 The Girl Who Cried

Start from the beginning

"With all due respect, sir, I'm sure you guys have been doing plenty of catching up without me." Emery cuts him off.

Tom's mouth slightly opens, his mouth still filled with food. "Oh crap." He turns to Eddie. "She knows—"

"Shhh she doesn't know." Eddie whispers. He stops and looks at Emery suspiciously. Or does she?

"I know Hen told you guys what I said to her." Emery scoffs. "I would expect her to say something—"

"And what's that supposed to me?" Hen snaps.

Emery shakes her head, "Nothing. I just meant that I wouldn't hold it against you to tell anyone."

"Speaking of holding something against someone..." Chimney speaks, absentmindedly taking a shot at Emery.

Bobby clears his throat obnoxiously loud, telling Chimney to be quiet. Chimney raises his brows and looks around to see everyone staring at him. He looks at Emery and she swallows before looking at the ground, ashamed.

"I-I'm sorry, I thought I said that in my head." Chimney chuckles softly. He then lightly hits his head. "Stupid mouth..."

Hen raises her brows, "Oh, wow, you hear that, Emery? Chimney apologized, you should try it sometime—"

"Okay, I get it—"

"Do you get it?" Hen stands up.

Emery drops her duffel with a thud and everyone slightly jumps.

"They're not gonna fight, are they?" Tom's breathing quickens.

"No, they're not." Eddie says. He then squints his eyes. Or are they?

"No, you guys—stop." Buck speaks.

Emery holds her arms out. "If I apologize, would you even forgive me?"

"Hell no." Hen snorts. Emery scoffs, "Then why are you making such a big deal out of an apology?"

"Because you didn't even try." Hen retorts. Emery's back straightens. Hen's voice shakes and she scoffs. "You...you just said what you said and you didn't even seem sorry about it."

Emery's breathing heavies and her brain starts to go static. She can't think. She can't speak. She couldn't even move. She wanted to hold herself accountable. But she heard her mother's voice in her head. The same voice that always told her to 'be quiet and be the best'. Hen quirks a brow and scoffs. "Just like now...no regret." She brushes past Emery and walks down the stairs.

Then the alarm blares through the station.

"Jaws not clenched. Tongue is neutral."

"All right. Get him started on O2. Ten liters." Bobby turns to the bank assistant. "You died there's a second patient?"

The bank assistant leads Bobby, Hen, and Eddie towards the man in the safe. Emery crouches down beside Chimney. He glances at her for a second, a bit weary. Emery's chest tightens but she pushes down her guilt and pain. This is what you deserve.

𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 , 9-1-1Where stories live. Discover now