𝟎𝟏𝟖 please don't hurt me, tara

Start from the beginning

Naomi had heard her brother crying out in pain, and turning herself around she had seen Tara shoving a knife into his throat, so she had easily turned back around to glance at her dad, and had began harshly sinking the knife deeper into his skin and not stopping.

She couldn't help but sob uncontrollably when she was murdering him, screaming at his face in full-blown anger, "I'm taking back what you've stolen all from me, but there are things that I'll never get back, do you what to know something?" She hummed at his almost dead body, blood trickling on her face, "I'm not even sure that I can have kids with my boyfriend in the future! Richie ruined my innocent body since a little girl, I don't even fucking know if I'd be able to carry a baby full term." A sob had escaped her lips.

Her anger was getting the best of her, that she had forgotten that her boyfriend was able to listen into everything she was saying, and his heart was breaking even more at everything he was listening — He now understood why'd she change that baby subject, he couldn't help but feel guilty for speaking about baby subject with her, he was simply uncontrollable sobbing that it was quite difficult for Sydney to comfort him because all he wanted to do was leave and go and comfort his girlfriend.

Naomi continued stabbing her father until there wasn't anymore movement, she exhaled her very own breath and had ultimately stood herself up. She wiped her tears away, eyes had searched around and noticed he left his gun on the ground, so she had easily picked it up and ran back towards her dad, and stood over his deceased body, "Fuck all of you, and I hope you all have a damn blast licking each-others asses in the deepest pits of hell." She instantly pulled the trigger five times into his head, his body was flinching from the force until there wasn't anymore bullets, and dropped the gun back into the floor.

It was finally over.

No more abuse, she can finally move on.

Mark Kincaid spoken to her through the earpiece, "Naomi? Are you okay?" Worry was laced in his voice.

She had softly spoken to him, "Yeah. It's finally over, I'm finally free." Tears suddenly began to stream down her own eyes, tears of enjoyment and relief.

Chad speaking back to her, she had easily noticed that he was crying with the way his voice sounded, "We're a block away, Naomi. We're going to come and get you, Sam and Tara." A sob had easily escaped his own lips before he spoken to her, again, "I told you that you'd survive, you did it, Angel. I'm so proud of you. I love you, so much." He reminded her.

He would spend his entire life doing that, reminding her that she's a survivor and that he loves her so much.

Naomi sobbed, instantly nodded her own head with her voice breaking, "I love you so much, so much." She had whispered to him, she'd been about to speak to him only to end up interrupted by a voice that made her turn around.

Venom was just laced in her voice, "What did you do to Chad!?" Tara had snarled to her in full blown anger.

Naomi had casually attempted to reassure her friend who was gripping a knife, "Nothing. He's fine, Tara. Chads with —" She was barely able to finish her own damn sentence before Tara came charging at her, impaling the knife into her abdomen.

Naomi glanced down, "Tara stop —"

Mark Kincaid attempting to catch her attention, "Naomi!? What's going on? We're almost there, please get out of there." It had sounded that Tara Carpenter wasn't trusting her, and he was afraid that Naomi would end up harmed.

Tara was simply giving her a nasty glare, harshly speaking to her, "Guess this vengeance for your brother didn't work. . ." She clicked her tongue onto her teeth, impaling the knife multiple times that was just making the girl groan into more pain, "How can you do this to Sam? After, everything that she has endured!?" She snarled into her ear.

Chad was panicking on the inside of his body, he already hears his girlfriend groaning in pain, "Naomi — Stay with me, baby. You're going to be okay." He was just attempting to hold in his sobs, he was furious at what he was hearing Tara say, especially competing on who's endure the worst.

Naomi was attempting to fight her off, she didn't want to fucking die — For once in her messed up life she didn't want to fucking die, she finally had someone here worth living for, he's given her so many reasons to live, and she doesn't want to leave him.

Naomi was pleading for her life, "Tara — I wasn't ever on their side. Why would I avenge the monster who sexually abused me? I have endured so much fucking pain, and I'm finally free. Please st—" Her sentence was just cut off when she felt Tara slice her cheek, warm blood trickling down her cheek.

Tara's eyes were dark and just laced with so much hatred, "I don't care — You probably created this twisted fantasy to get away with all of this. . ." She raised the knife, and had began to stab her, "You're not fooling me." She didn't know for how long until she felt a pair of arms pulling her away from Naomi.

Naomi's vision was fading, that she easily heard voices from a far despite the figures that looked slightly close, a male voice that was just yelling at someone in anger, eyes blinking a bit she had seen a woman appearing her, and just holding into where she was bleeding from.

A very gentle woman's voice, that was just calmly speaking to her, and applying more pressure into her stomach, "You're going to be okay, Naomi. The Paramedics are just two minutes away from her." The woman kindly reassured her.

Naomi had screwed her eyes shut, body stiffening at the pain with her vision that was quite blurry — Her eardrums were just ringing, and eyes were glossy.

She had suddenly felt someone running towards her, bending down to her level and sobbing uncontrollably, all while she slightly noticed that he was playing with the ends of her hair, "You're going to be okay, Angel. You can't leave me, please don't." His voice cracked, he was so fucking angry at Tara for touching her, and dismissing his girlfriends background story.

Naomi had rasped out and attempting to word everything best as possible, "Chad. . . I love you, so —" Her vision had went black as she couldn't speak anymore, her breathing was slowing down alongside with her heart.

Chad sobbed, "No — Stay with me, Angel."

No response.

He had instantly placed her head onto his very own lap, that it was until the paramedics arrived into the shrine where they had taken over ten minutes finding a pulse and managed to have found one, she was quickly needed in the operating room, but he had faith that she'd survive, she's a survivor.


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, hope you
liked chapter eighteen.

I hope it's not too messy.

Naomi is definitely
not going to stick around
in New York, and Chad will
follow her as well. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 ,, 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 - 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now