[ 003 ] . . . what we do in the shadows

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April made her way halfway across the cemetery before she stopped in her tracks. There, among the thousands of different sized headstones, was an old looking car with its headlights off and parked underneath a tree.

There was someone inside of it, and they seemed to just be sitting there. The hot wind rushed past her and she could hear the drumming in her ears again, this time louder and more clear. The sound made her mouth practically fill with saliva.

It was like her body was on autopilot as she walked towards the car. My mind is not my own, she thought as she got closer and closer to the boy. Her mind felt like it was paralyzed by fear, almost as if she wasn't thinking on her own.

This isn't me.

Finally, she reached the car. At first, the boy didn't notice her. Not until it was too late and she was gently tapping him on his shoulder.

The boy jumped as if he had just been stabbed with a very sharp knife. When he turned to face her, his face had gone sort of pale and his eyes widened so big they reminded her of a doe.

He gave April a nervous smile, "Can I help you?" He asked her nicely, but there was a crack in his voice that told her that he was scared of her.

She stood there for a moment, eyes blank and mouth slightly agape. She looked almost, dead.

"Can you hear me?"

Another moment passed and April hadn't moved, or even blinked. This terrified him even more. Finally the silence broke.

"Can I borrow your phone?"

It was the way she asked him — the way her voice rang in his ears like a dozen tiny violins playing harmoniously — that made him simply hand the phone over, no questions asked.

It was like he was in a daze.

April gave him a weird look as she took the phone out of his hand. Was he okay? Whatever his problem was, she didn't have time for at the moment. April needed help.

Quickly, her fingers ran across the screen and dialed the first number she could possibly think of.

She waited anxiously as the line rang and rang. Glancing every now and again at the boy a few feet away just standing in a daze.

A voice broke through the other end.



"Wait, you're breaking up. I cant hear you."

"Stiles? Hello?"

"Nah, I'm just messing with 'ya! Sorry you couldn't reach me, leave me a message."

A frustrated groan passed through her lips as she hit the 'End Call' button. She had forgotten he had that stupid voicemail set up. The amount of times she had fallen for it — she thought she had gotten used to it, but apparently not.

Fed up, she dropped her arm down and stared at the boy. He was still in a daze, and it was the way that he was just standing there — no desire to move or think — that made April feel horrified.

Feeling a sort of panic, she dialed the next number she could think of.


April took a moment, relief flooding through her at the sound of the redheads voice.


A beat of silence from Lydia's end.

"Who is this." The way that Lydia spoke — it was a demand, not a question.

Bodies On The Hill ✸ Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now