[ 001 ] . . . hello cruel world

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The white and blue halls of Beacon Hills High School buzzed with conversation as Stiles and Scott walked - no, pushed their ways to their lockers.

It had been two days of private mourning until the local news channel came out with their latest tragedy; Local Teen Found DEAD In Reserve !

That's when all hell broke loose around town. Parents were terrified to let their kids out at night, or even out in general.

A county curfew had already been in motion way before the murder of April Cowen, so their wasn't much the sherif could do. And it's not like he could tell the whole county that a blood thirsty, two thousand year old vampire, was the one responsible for the handful of teen murders.

Stiles finally reached his locker that was two down from Scott, his eyes found themselves glancing at the one to the left of his - her locker.

It had gotten redecorated since the last time he saw it. Pictures of her had been taped down in the middle of it, with sweet notes from people she didn't even know, saying; "miss you everyday!" and "gone but not forgotten."

Students crowded around it like it was an alter and they were offering their greatest fortunes. Some wept and told stories about the Cowen girl, as if they had even known her.

Stiles scoffed at them in anger, they didn't know one thing about her! They hated her when she was alive, but now they mourned her when she was dead?

Pathetic Stiles thought as he slammed the blue locker door shut and marched past the fake mourners of the girl he missed more then the air he breathed.

Scott called after him but was met with no reply as Stiles shoved past other Beacon High students and made a b-line for the door.

He had to get out of there. It wouldn't be the first time that Stiles Stilinksi blew off a day of school, and it definitely wouldn't be the last.

It's just, school wasn't appealing to him anymore. Yeah, it was his junior year and technically that's the year everything counts for a high schooler.

This year determines wether or not you're going to graduate smoothly. And Stiles needed to graduate smoothly otherwise, no FBI job that he dreamed to have.

He sat in his beat up blue jeep, staring at the many cars that were parked in the parking lot of the high school. With a turn of his key, Stiles started his jeep and drove down the roads like a bat out of hell.

He didn't have a destination in mind, but subconsciously, he did. And that's how he found himself parked at the gates of the cemetery.

Stiles felt pathetic as he walked through the cemetery grounds, various headstones and names passed, each one sounding almost familiar and memorized from the countless times he found himself there.

It was slowly becoming a routine of his; wake up, eat, go to school (sometimes), visit his dead friends grave, and then go home and hate himself.

Life was just one big hell for Stiles, and it didn't help that the pack found themselves fighting more than one evil in the town once again.

Stiles stopped in his tracks when he came to the small clearing where only one headstone stood. The coloring on it had dulled only in the slightest from the countless sun it got, but everything was almost the same.


Stiles frowned at the sight before him; the grass around the grave seemed to be rotting or at least dying.

What the hell? He thought.

The sight puzzled him, because just the day before, the grass was a beautiful and bright green. No warnings or sign that it was being unkept. An anxious feeling crawled it's way up Stiles back, the feeling of somebody watching him making him feel on edge.

Bodies On The Hill ✸ Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now