There Goes Potty Training

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On the third day things began to get interesting. Mike rolled over to see Jaxon, now a little boy sleeping beside him. He must have been 8 years old. Mike looked at the room which had changed, the bed sheets were now pirate themed, the walls were now a darker shade of blue and when he and Jaxon got out of bed, their undies had pirate symbols on them.

"Woah" Mike said in his prepubescent voice
"We're 8 again" Jaxon exclaimed

Both boys stood in aww taking in their childish bodies.

"I wanna try something" Mike said as he pulled Jaxon into the closet
"Grab a pair of your old undies and put them on" Mike said
"But there too big" Jaxon protested
"Trust me. Now fart in 3...2...1..."


Both raised their butts and released a loud fart. To their surprise, their giant undies began to shift and shrink until they fit them perfectly now depicting shows like transformers and Ben 10 on them.

"That's so cool" Jaxon said
"Looks like our fart training will pay us off after all" Mike joked

The boys spent the rest of their day farting and shrinking their old clothes to fit them. Eventually they went to bed.
The next morning both boys woke with a start. They needed to go pee... NOW! They both jumped out of bed and rushed to their potty chairs where they pulled down their undies and released the flood gates.


"Ahhhhh" they both sighed
"Wow tat was a cwose one" Jaxon said
"Hehe yows gots a wisp" giggled Mike
"Yow toooo" Jaxon laughed
"We must be 6 yeaws owd" Mike observed
"Yeaw wook at ma coowl undies tay gots paw patwol on dem" Jaxon showed proudly
"Woah mines gots buzzz fwom toy stwory" Mike presented
"Wets go pway with some toys" Jaxon said as they both made there way to the toy room

The boys spent the day playing together in the basement and took turns running to and from the washroom to go potty. There were no accidents that day!

The next morning the lions got their first taste of their second cubhood. Mike and Jaxon rolled out of bed with an audible squish and crinkle they quickly looked down to see baby fat and a damp pull-up around their hips.

"Well, I gwuess tewe gows our potty twaining" Mike giggled as he squished the front of his pull up
"I wike dis mowe" Jaxon said
"Wets get chwanged" Mike suggested

They both entered the change room as two robot hands emerged from the changed table and picked the boys up and proceeded to clean their butts and throw out their pull-ups. Once they were freshly padded they were placed on the ground.

"Wets gow watch paw patwol" Jaxon suggest
"Yeah" Mike agreed as they both made their way to the couch

They both jumped up onto the couch and put paw patrol on as the sound of crinkles spread through the house from the cubs tails wagging in their pull-ups. Midway through the show both boys got the feeling to go pee, but before they could even react, the fronts of their pull ups grew warm as they wet themselves.

"I cwould get uwsed to dis" Mike said as he poked his pull-up
"Yeah much bettew den de pwotty" Jaxon agreed

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