Somethings Off

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It was a beautiful summer day. Mike a 40 year old man was sitting on his couch drinking his morning cup of coffee and reading the news paper. His 14 year old son Jaxon was upstairs getting dressed for the day.

"Morning dad!" Jaxon said as he entered the room
"Morning champ how's it going?" Mike replied still reading the paper
"Good, although my clothes aren't fitting properly" Jaxon said
"What do you mean? Are they to small" Mike asked in confusion looking up from his paper
"No the opposite, they're to big" Jaxon said showing his slightly baggy shirt and loose shorts
"Huh weird, let's just get you a belt should be fine" Mike suggested
"Ok sounds good" Jaxon said as he went back upstairs
"Also brush your mane, it's gonna get noted" Mike shouted up at him

A little later Jaxon came back down with a belt and a freshly brushed mane.

"Looking sharp bud" Mike said

Although he thought, after taking a second look at his son, he did look a little shorter...? No he was being ridiculous.

"You ready for a fun day" Mike asked
"Yeah where to first?" Jaxon questioned
"Well I was thinking we could go to that park just out of town and play a little catch then grab lunch" Mike suggested
"Sure sounds fun" Jaxon agreed

Mike and Jaxon got in the car and drove off to the park. On their way the breakfast Jaxon had that morning was working it's way through him. A little smirk emerged on his face as he lifted his leg slightly and...


"Oh that was a good one" Jaxon laughed
"Nice form" Mike chirped back

Despite his age, Jaxon wasn't the most mature, he still farted as loud as he could, laughed when anyone said the words poop or pee. But Mike was no better. This immaturity did give the father son duo a special bond.
Finally, they arrived at the park and brought out their baseball and gloves. They proceeded to pass the ball back and forth for a few hours.

"Go long!" Mike shouted

Jaxon began to run back trying to catch the ball, but suddenly tripped and was met with the grassy earth.

"Woah bud you good? What did you trip over?" Mike asked rushing over
"I'm ok, I think a tripped over my pants" Jaxon said getting up

Taking another good look a Jaxon, Mike distinguished that his shirt was even looser then this morning and despite the belt, his pants appeared to be baggier as well. This made Mike worry.

"I think that's enough baseball for today" Mike said
"I'm gonna call the doctors office and get you looked at just in case"
"Ok" Jaxon agreed

They both got back into the car and made their way to the doctors office. 

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