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Kai's POV:

I kneel down before him, reaching a hand out.

"..you okay?" I asked. He didn't take my hand, I was rejected and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I don't need your help. Who needs it anyway?" Lloyd replied bluntly. This caught me off guard, making me chuckle. I put my hand together with his.

"I see you, Lloyd. And you're not alone." I let go and smiled.

"You look different." I said."You look more lively." Lloyd looked at his wrist. He looked bothered.

"My mark. Ah, selfish." He said. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Care to explain?" I asked, he sighed.

"Evil inside of me, voices calling. It left my body because I was on the verge of death. Well, not anymore. It's on the loose. It could control someone else." He said breathless.

"We don't want that happening." He looked at me and chuckled."The effects would be problematic." He seemed more happy and active.

Lloyd's POV:

My emotions returned back to normal, I was myself again. Now, how would I explain this to Morro and Haruni.. Would they turn their backs on me?

Kai's POV:

I placed my body against him, hugging him and digging my head into his neck.

I heard him whisper something.

"Why do you still love me, even with my stupid and unreasonable decisions..why?" He raised a brow.

I stood back up and lifted one of his hands. I kissed the top like he was a princess, and I was a prince who saved him.

"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. But then I realised you weren't perfect and I loved you even more."

He looked down.

"I don't love you anymore." He whispered."I don't love you at all."

My throat closed."It's alright, my sweet."

"I love you enough for the both of us." I lifted him up carefully.

"You just have to promise me you'll stay by my side and never go crazy." I said in a teasing way, I smiled brightly like I saw my world again, and I am grateful...

"..I don't know if I can pinky promise, but I'll try my best." He said, his eyes shimmering like how I always known.

"Our love story may not be the best, but I know it'll last longer than the real ones foretold." Lloyd traced a finger down my face.


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