Part 14:

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Gwen's POV:

I went quickly getting up and grabbing Miles hand as we went out by the door and closed it to go outside

We were walking to go take Miles to his house

"*Phew* finally we are out of there"

It looks like he's trying not to look at me I can see that he's flustered I wonder why...


"OHHH UM "I said while letting go quickly

"I-IM SORRY" I told him as I look the other way and was tucking my hair against my ear

I was so embarrassed I didn't even notice what I was doing but why are we suddenly so awkward with each other tho I mean sure we did just learned that there's us in the future getting married and having children and stuff- ahh just that thought of it makes me heat up inside I probably look so red rn

"Um yeah not it- it's ok" he replied as he slowly looked at me

I couldn't help but smile as I looked back at him we just stared at each other walking

Miles wasn't looking were he was going tho and he hit himself with a random pole Infront of the cross walk

"UGHH" miles complained as he touched his head

"Damn Miles you alright?" I asked him concerned as I gently touched his cheek

"Uh yeah I'm fine"

We stared at each other for a second before we started walking again

"Can we just ignore that, that was kind of embarrassing"

I chuckled a bit then replied "sure whatever spider boy"


"Anyways ooo you saw Charlottes mom in the recording she looked so pretty"

"Yeah I mean she's technically you y'know that right"

"Ik but she looked so different especially her hair maybe mine would of have looked that pretty if SOMEONE didn't do this to it"

I told him as a joke while pointing at the shaved side of my hair

"Your never gonna let that go will you"


"I mean c'mon it was an accident and I said I was sorry"

"Ik but really miles you think an apology gon do it for this" I told him laughing


"But tbh it looks good in you tho I doesn't even look bad I mean you look good in anything"

"Thanks" I told him while giving him a smile

I don't really like my hair cut a lot but as long as he likes it I'm ok with

"But I was joking it doesn't really bother me I've had worst haircuts believe me"

"What do you mean"

"I used to just randomly at like 3 in the morning want to cut my self bangs, that did not end well-"

"Oof- I can see why"

I playfully hit him in his arm as we both just laughed

A lil while passed and we were almost at his house

"Oh did you finish the essay?"

"What essay?" I asked him while I raised an eyebrow in confusion

"Y'know the essay we had to turn in tomorrow, the homework they gave us for the break"


"OMG Gwen *facepalms*"


"miles can you please help me?"

"I would but Gwen is late and we have to turn it in tomorrow"

"Please miles"

"Fine since we don't have that class till the end of the day I'll help you a lil bit at lunch ok"

"YESS thank you your a life saver"

"I know I mean I'm literally spiderman" he told me giving me a smirk

*I chuckled*

"Oh we're here" he was pointing at his house

"Oh yeah I guess we are"

"Well see you tomorrow then bye miles"

I told him as I gave him a hug

After we let go he opened the door to get inside

"Yeah see you tomorrow Gwen" as he waved at me

And when he closed the door I went back walking to my house
Word count:674

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