Part 8:

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Gwen's POV:

So me and Charlotte spend most of the time just trying to figure out how to use the watch and it wasn't THAT hard to figure-

"Ohhhh so you can also text and call people that have the watch as well"

"Apparently yeah..."

"But let's not do it just in case for now cause we don't know who else has the watch y'know"

I suddenly heard a knock on the door I taught it was dad until I opened the door and I saw it was Miles...

I was so happy to see him I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages when in reality it has only been a day

"Hey Miles" I told him with a smile on my face

"Your FINALLY here-"

"Yeah sorry" he said with an awkward look on his face while he rubbed the back of his neck

"Don't worry about it come on in"

"So what have you guys done while I wasn't here-?"he asked us as he entered the room

"Well" Charlotte said "we are trying to figure out how this watch works cause this is what lets me go to other dimension and not die basically"

Then I added "And we figured out a few things like we just found out that you can call and message anyone who has the same watch but we are really just trying to figure out the information of who was attacking her New York that her mother put in that watch"

"Ik is not a lot we have done yk but is a start one we figure out how this works we can travel to other dimensions and get help from other spiderman if we need"

"Well that's good" miles then replied

"Guys I found it"Charlotte said with excitement

"Found what???"

"The info that mom let us"

"Well what does it say" I asked her while me and miles sat on the couch next to her...

"OK ok so it says ..."

Word count: 335

Going On A Mission {Gwen X Miles}Where stories live. Discover now