Part 10:

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Charlotte POV:

"HEY RHINO OVER HERE" Gwen yelled at him trying to get his attention it worked so he turned his attention to her

"Oh but if it isn't ghost spider and who is this?" He said looking straight at me I haven't fought many villains before so this was really scary but I tried to not show it

Then I replied "I'm spider woman"

Soon after Gwen started swinging and using her webs to do this really cool flip in the air that land straight hitting Rhino in his face

That was so cool I wish I could do that...

Then as Gwen was fighting rhino
"OHHH and where's that boyfriend of yours spiderman did he finally leave you~"

Gwen looked at him mad "why don't you wait and find out"

I was trying to help too by shooting webs to his legs to make him fall and we could trap him that worked so when he fell miles appeared again and punch rhino, after Gwen went to help miles do trap with their webs and I went to try to help but as I was going there I accidentally fell trying to swing to them then rhino broke the webs and grabbed me and started trying to choke me

Miles and Gwen saw that and immediately started to fight him making him let me go and once he did I landed in the floor and passed out


Once I woke up I was in Gwen's room...

"How did I get here? What happened" I wondered while I tried to get out of the bed

"Ughh" my head hurts so bad it took me a minute until I was able to get up I saw that the door was half open so I could hear Miles and Gwen talking in the other room started to slowly open the door and then they turned to look at me

"Oh thank God your alright" (Miles)

"We were so worried" (Gwen)

"What happened?" I asked them

"We were fighting rhino he was choking you so we tried to make him let go off you and you fell on the floor and hit your head making you pass out..."

As soon as they said that I remember what happened

"Wait but what about rhino"

"Oh we beat him his in jail right now"(Miles)


"Oh... good" I said still processing

"How are you feeling does your head hurt or anything-?" Miles asked worried

"Yeah it does but I'll be fine probably... I mean I'm not bleeding or anything thankfully"

I said that and then went closer to them

"So Charlotte we were noticing that you were struggling out there what happened" Gwen asked me as I sat down

"...I just haven't gotten that much training mom and dad are busy most of the time if is not that I'm in school and when I want to help them in a mission they tell me I'm not ready yet and I can't go and stuff- "

"So yeah that why I wanted to go to do something helpful cause if I'm going to have to fight whatever is out there in my New York then I need to be strong enough and if I can't even help with rhino then... How am I gonna be good enough to help them and I just-"

"I'm sorry for being a burden..."I said that while holding back tears

"Hey your not a burden"Miles told me frowning his eyebrows as he got down in his knees to get to my level

Then Gwen added "But if you had told us that you hadn't y'know learned a lot how to use your powers we could of have had helped you more"

"next time just let us know ok"Miles told me as he got up

I nodded in agreement and then we all just stared each other in silence for a minute

"Well uhhh what if we watch the video now we didn't get to do it before soo-"

"Yeah let's see it"


Word count: 681

This was so hard to write for some reason I just didn't know what to put so sorry if is kinda bad- hope you still like it tho 😭💗 see you in the next one 👋

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