Part 9:

424 11 4

Charlotte POV:

"OK ok so it says..."I started saying until I realized

"Oh wait nevermind is a video recording of her so I don't have to say anything oop-"

Soon as I pressed the recording Miles phone started to ring so I paused it

"SORRY sorry is Ganke let me just take it really quick"he said as he stood up and went to the other side of the room

"GANKE" he said whispering loudly "this better be important"

"Sorry but bro why you being so rude for 😭- anyways rhino escaped prison AGAIN that why I called and he's stealing the bank right now"

"AGaiN how many times do we have to put that guy in prison" he replied *facepalms*

"Yeah sorry but can we continue this later is that rhino broke out of jail and is stealing the banks again-"

Then Gwen replied "AGAIN dang how many times do we have to do this until he gives up"
"I'll go put on my suit"


"Uhhh can I go with you guys"

They looked at me then looked at each other "uhhh sure why not"

YESSS finally my parents never let me go out on missions cause they say I'm not ready idk what they're talking about I'm more than ready, I already had my suit on so I was waiting on them

"Ok let's go" Gwen said as she opened the window to go her and miles started swinging their way out while I was mentally preparing myself to do the same

You can do this...

I started shooting my first web to do so and was already struggling and they could noticed-

"Uhhh you ok there"

"YEP I'm doing just FINE"

Soon after we got to the bank since it wasn't that far from Gwen's house

We were watching from the distance and we saw the police cars all around the place and rhino in the entrance with bags of cash

"Ok so have you ever fought him before in your dimension?" Miles asked me

"Not really I've seen him before but never fought him"

"Ok so here's two key factors that are going to help one he can't change change directions easily so that gives us an easy advantage" He explained to me

Then Gwen added "Two he's stupid so this will be kinda easy, we already know what to do but since your here we taught we would tell you just so you're aware of what your fighting and all that- now let's go we have wasted too much time"

Then we all put on our mask and started swinging to get to rhino

Miles turned invisible and then Gwen told me "ok so we are mainly going to distract him get him to his weak point so that then we can trap him with our webs"

I nodded in agreement and then we went to go along with plan

Word count: 490

Going On A Mission {Gwen X Miles}Where stories live. Discover now