my baby? | fluff

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my hands shake as i reach for the test on the counter. my periods a week and 3 days late, and the last time we did it we didn't use protection, i'm of course on birth control but my minds been a little in the gutter lately and i've been forgetting it.

i flip it over and to my horror the test shows 2 lines. oh. my. god. i'm so fucked. i can feel the tears poking at my eyes as i pull it closer to my face, just to make sure it's real. this is not a good start to my christmas. i mean, will lorenzo even want the baby?

we're still in school, we're only 17. what am i going to do? how am i going to tell him? a tear slips past my cheek and i wipe it away with my hand. no, lorenzo can't know. i'll just have to find a way to tell him, i just don't know how.

i put the test back into its box, and but it into my shorts pocket before looking at myself in the mirror. you can't tell that i've been crying, i walk out of the bathroom to run into the one and only, lorenzo.

he smiles at me brightly and pulls me into a tight hug, resting his chin on my head. "merry christmas my love!" he says, kissing my lips gently.

i smile up at him. "merry christmas to you to love. are your parents up yet?" he nods and grabs my hand.

"they're downstairs waiting for you." he says and i quirk up an eyebrow.

"how long have they been waiting?"

"only a few minutes, my mom just got up around 15 minutes ago." i nod my head and we walk downstairs, well more of him dragging me down the stairs.

~ time skip bc i'm lazy af ~

after we've opened presents, i take lorenzo upstairs to the room i'm staying in. i sit him down on the bed with a confused look on his face.

"so, i have something to tell you." he nods. "this could be bad or good with whatever way you want to take it." he nods again and i gulp, pulling the box out of my nightstand. i grab the test and hand it to him.

he looks down at the test in what can only be described as disbelief. i can't tell if it's good or bad, i just sit there nervously as he looks at the test.

he finally says something. "d-does this mean, you're carrying my baby?" he asks.

i nod my head and a huge smile breaks out onto his face as he pulls me onto a hug on the bed. a smile pops onto my face as he buries his face into my neck. he pulls apart and says "we're having a baby?" i nod my head and he kisses me.

not an aggresive kiss, just to a kiss to say how much he loves me. it's sweet, like a bear hug.

"i know we're young, but we're going to be amazing parents love. i just know. this baby is going to be so loved and cared for she won't know what to do." i chuckle and notice what he says.

"what do you mean she? we don't know the gender and can't even find out for like a couple months at least if we wanted too." he smiles and lips my shirt to place a soft kiss to my stomach.

"i can just feel it. she's gonna be my little princess." i giggle and feel him place his head gently on my stomach.

"i love you y/n." and he pauses. "and i love you too baby."

a/n :
well. that was pretty cute. i enjoyed writing that one even though it was pretty quick. i also had a question, i was thinking about writing like an actual book. except i can't decide if i should do draco or lorenzo, i'm leaning towards draco because i already have this book but i wanted to get y'all's opinion, so leave it down below! alright loves, have a great day/night!

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