tutor | fluff

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i watched him sigh as professor slughorn placed the quiz back on his desk. "i expect better from you mr. berkshire. come see me after class today." i looked to his eyes seeing how the tears threatened to spill out.

yes, i hate the guy, but watching him suffer make something inside of me turn. that pit in your stomache when something doesn't feel right. i was snapped back into reality as professor slughorn placed my quiz back onto my desk. as per usual, the highest score in the class.

"well done ms. l/n! highest grade per the usual," he smiled and said, then turned around to the class "you all should try and take notes from ms. l/n, as she always has the highest grade in the class." the whole class groaned and went back to the work.

professor slughorn turned back to me and said "can you please stay a few minutes after class? i have something i would like to discuss with you." i nodded my head.

"of course sir." he smiled and clapped his hands and turned around to walk back to his desk.

- later -

as the bell for the class to end rang, everybody began to leave from the classroom. except, me and lorenzo. of course, just my luck!!

we both walked over to professors slughorns desk, giving each other death stares. he really got on my nerves sometimes. professor slughorn cleared his throat, both of our eyes now on him.

"so, as we can see, mr. berkshire's grades are not the best, and ms. l/n, your grades are alwYs top notch." he groaned as proffesor began his next sentence. "i would like for ms. l/n to start torturing mr. berkshire here." a frown crept onto my face as he finished speaking.

with a sigh, i said "i would love to, proffesor." proffesor slughorn smiled and turned to lorenzo.

"then it's settled! you two shall meet once a day to practice mr. berkshires study habits and help to get his grades up." i faked a smile as a grabbed my things and left the classroom.

i heard a voice calling my name. "y/n! y/n!" lorenzo called as i turned around, placing a hand on my hip.

"yes?" i say back, cocking my head to the side.

he sighs. "when do you wanna, you know, meet up? potions is not the only class i struggle in, it's kind of, all of them?" he blushes a bright shade of red, and his dimples show. since when has he been... cute?

"um, how about 5 in the library later? my last class ends at 4 if you're cool with that? then we'll both be able to go to dinner too." he nods his head.

"see you then!" and then he smiles. god, his smile is so adorable. damn it y/n! stop thinking about him.

- later in the library -

i walk into the library to see lorenzo already sitting at a table near the back. he's chewing on the end of his quill with a black piece of parchment in front of him. oh god.

i walk up to him and drop my bag next to chair on his left, causing his gaze to drift over to me. "hi." he says, smiling. damn, that smile!

i smile back and sit down next to him. "hi." i reach down to grab my notebook and quill from my bag, "so, what are you wanting to focus on today?" i ask, placing my stuff on the table.

"i was thinking potions because that grade is the worst." he says, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. i nod my head and head over to the books that contain all the potions stuff.

"which essay is that? are you re-doing one or is that the one he just assigned?" my fingers are scanning over all the books as i find one i think we'll need.

"it's the new one, it's on wolfbane." i grab the book i have in my hand and head back over, ready to start on this essay.

- a couple of weeks later - (i'm sorry for all the time skips yall)

i sit down at our normal table and find that lorenzo isn't there, which confuses me. i go and grab the books we were using yesterday, and grab what i need from my bag. a very sweaty and out of breath lorenzo runs into the library.

he looks at me with sorry in his eyes. "hey." he says, catching his breath. "sorry- i came from quidditch practice- i had to, leave early." i feel bad for him.

i have to admit, over these few weeks that i've had to tutor him, my feelings for him have only grown. he sits down at the table.

"don't apologize, enzo. you could have told me you had practice and we could have rescheduled. well do that next time, okay?" i say, and he nods his head.

i go to open up the book in front of me, when i hear him whisper "can i kiss you?" his words startle me, and i whip my head in his direction.

"what?" i say.

"wait- i'm sorry i didn't mean to say that. it just came out and i saw you sitting there and you're so pretty and oh god..." he rambles on. did he just, confess his feelings for me?

i place a hand on his shoulder. "hey, hey. calm down. do you, have feelings for me?" i can't believe how calm i am about this on the outside, on the inside my heart is doing flips and jumping around in circles.

he sighs. "yeah, maybe i did."

i smile. "well, that works out. because maybe i have feelings for you too." he looks up at me and his eyes light up.

"really? you, have feelings, for somebody, like me?" i giggle and place a kiss on his cheek.

"of course. i have for a while now, i think i've just been denying it to be honest. but now, i think that's kinda gone down the drain." he smiles pulls our faces closer.

"can i kiss you now?" i nod my head and our lips are touching. the kiss is sweet and light, showing how much we care for each other. we break apart and our foreheads touch.

"y/n?" he says. i nod and close my eyes. "will you be my girlfriend?" i smile.

"of course, enzo." he smiled and i grab my quill. "should we start that assignment now?" he laughs and opens up the textbook in front of us.

a/n :
um, hi? it's been a while. this one is pretty short but it's also cute, it was gonna be smut but i figured i should get something out. i promise that i'm gonna try and get some more out, and get some of your ideas into one-shots. the credit on this one goes out to @Ivanaldzontic for the idea, thank you! alrighty, adios y'all!!

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