Chapter 36 _ A true answer and plans for a trip.

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I was really looking forward to this chapter (internal outbreaks)! It was so cool to write, but at the same time so…simple? Tiring? Meaningless? I don't know how to describe what I felt other than "cool", but there was something else there that made me think I should rewrite everything again. Luckily I didn't.

my proofreader is better so once again thank you Rayofsunshining888888888 for looking over this chapter

Well, I hope you like it as much as I did! Bye.

Chapter 36 _ A true answer and plans for a trip.

A few moments earlier, at one of the tables on the LCF side.

Alberu started to pay attention again to the discussion on the TBOAH side.

He shuddered.

He felt disgust and chills hearing what this woman said.

Unclean? Really?

Is he filthy when he just tried to live? Filthy for being born that way? It wasn't even his choice to be born with that bloodline!!

At least he's not like certain people who tried to kill a child just because of their lust for power.

Alberu has not forgotten. How could he forget? The humiliation, the neglect, the attempts to kill him with poison. All because of the Queen and her childrens desires.

So who is the real filthy being? The one who lived his life in fear of dying simply for existing or the one who tried to kill a child just for her greed and thirst for the throne?

It's disgusting to have to listen to that.

Alberu would rather be kicked in the stomach a few times than listen to that kind of nonsense.

Maybe before (before meeting Cale, before accepting that he's not wrong for wanting to live, before the many things he's had to go through), yes, maybe before he would even start to think about his existence and listen to that kind of thing. he would think it's wrong for him to live, very guilty for not being a human like everyone else.

But not anymore. Alberu doesn't have those kind of insecurities anymore, well maybe just a little. But his pride and will to live are much greater than that.

Alberu was ready to say something. To stop the Queen* and tell her some truths. But then he felt it.

He was light as a feather, but his already alarmed senses caught the movement.



Cale hadn't opened his eyes yet, but Alberu is sure he felt Cale moving.

And then it happened before Alberu's eyes could even meet Cale's.

"Tsk. How annoying"

The voice that has been silent for longer than anyone would have liked, rang out throughout the space. Despite not being very loud, it caught the attention of everyone in the room.

As Cale started to get up from Alberu's lap, everyone in the room was silently looking at the redhead.

"Why is this bullshit the first thing I have to hear after waking up?"

Alberu held onto Cale's arms as he helped him to sit up straight. He couldn't contain his smile and how he relaxed because of it, he sighed but it was a sigh of relief. All this time and his dongsaeng wakes up right now? Ha!, looks like Cale can't find peace even after passing out.

"Why is everyone talking so loudly? Extremely annoying"

"Cale-nim! You finally, finally woke up!"

Choi Han finally reacted and almost cried with happiness when he saw Cale awake.

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