Chapter 13 _ Dogs bark everywhere.

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I thought I wouldn't be able to write this chapter today, haha. And he was still small… that's why I put two chapters of the novel! Well, some chapters are harder to find good reactions to put on. I hope you don't mind.

Unreviewed chapter, if you find any random "Shut up" out of context, understand that it's Cale's name. It's just that, in my language, Cale and Shut Up are written similarly and sometimes the translator gets it wrong and translates "Cale" as "Shut up"


Chapter 13 _ Dogs bark everywhere.

"Now, now, let's all settle down and watch the next clip"

The ten minutes passed faster than everyone expected, more so for some than others.

Cale is still grumpy about not being able to sleep. He already knows everything that's going to happen, so why bother staying up and watching this shit? Perhaps if he sat down with the Henituse family he would be able to sleep? No, he'll probably be getting scolded by the Duchess and needing to answer questions from Basen and Lily.


{Chapter 489 – Do you hear a dog barking somewhere? (1)}

"Whistling. Sounds like someone was upset with someone's lines"

"Why can't you think the title talks about a normal dog, you know the animal"

"Have you forgotten about 'One Beautiful Night'?"

"It's not just because of that that the same happens with this chapter"

"Is it a bet?"

{“It’s been a while, young master-nim. Raon-nim.”

Cale saw a gently smiling Ron once the light disappeared from the teleportation and he arrived at his destination.

“It’s been a while, grandpa Ron! Good to see you again! Thanks for the apple pie!”

Ron had offered Raon an apple pie with efficient movement.

“…Thank you.”

He had then offered Cale a cup of lemon tea that was still steaming hot. Cale grabbed the teacup with a grim expression before heading toward the window.}

" this the Molan house?" Ron*'s voice shook slightly. He didn't have his usual benign expression or usual smile.

Beacrox* also turned to his counterpart and his father's counterpart. He doesn't remember very well what the rooms or living room of the Molan family were like. But if his father claims to be, there's no doubt that he is.

"We got our home back thanks to Young Master," Ron smiled at his counterpart.

But Ron* didn't just see that smile, he also saw the hidden fire in Ron's eyes. The flame of vengeance and satisfaction and victory. Counterpart of him achieved much more than him.

{"There's nothing for you."

Choi Han did not respond in any way to Ron's comment. He looked as if he had not expected anything from the beginning.}

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