Chapter 16 _ Break everything!

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Why did I think it would be easy to write this fic? Hmm? Tell me my past self! Haaaaaaaaaaa, it's so exhausting, but it's also so rewarding.

I don't think there are good reactions to Lock*, I still don't know which personality best fits him. Reading reaction fic makes me think one thing, reading Cale's opinions in the novel another.
And I have an opinion that takes a little from these two above. Haaaaaaaa


Chapter 16 _ Break everything!

Cale needs to find a way to no longer be compared to his old powers, but he still doesn't know how to do that.

And unaware of Cale's thoughts, the ancient powers were excited to be compared to Cale.

'We really look alike hahahahahka! Cale knows how to spend money!'

'But you just collected the money'

'Shut up, Super Rock! Don't spoil my pleasure!'

'Gathering money is good, but I've never had that privilege'

'But you stole'

'How Cale!! But Cale only steals money, he could start stealing food from other palaces… delicious food!'

Cale just wants his ancient powers to stay silent.

{Chapter 500 – Does it work? (1)

People tend to stop moving when they are put under pressure or become anxious.}

It is the natural reaction of the instincts of a living being.

Either they are paralyzed or they are filled with adrenaline.

People may think that the most dangerous thing is to paralyze, but they are actually wrong.

Just think, dying from being paralyzed, quickly and without seeing others die, or filling yourself with adrenaline and, perhaps, thinking that you are able to get rid of the pressure and attack the being that is exhaling the aura of terror, thus ending up being attacked and, most likely, it will take time to die, because you will be persisting and your body will do everything to try to survive. Which would be better? Of course die quickly!

Adrenaline can help you survive, but it doesn't in all cases.

But of course, living beings will always prefer adrenaline, because everyone wants to live. People don't tend to accept death with open arms.

And that's why there are Lich, people who throw all pretense away and break nature's rules to live longer.

It's something everyone has: fear of death. Some more than others.

{"T, that-!"

The hands of the old man holding the mirror were shaking.

“…My goodness.”

Guardian Knight Jeet was thinking that this was one of those moments.

‘Such a large snake, no, monster.’

He had heard a lot of information about what Commander Cale had done until now. Even though he was not an Elf, Cale was someone who had helped out at the Ten Finger Mountains' Elf Village. He could hear many things about him because he was connected to the Elves in many ways.}

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