Chapter 27 _ In the ocean.

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Good morning. I haven't proofread the chapter yet, so as usual it may have some mistakes (of pronouns mostly).

Chapter 27 _ In the ocean.

"It's not like I need to say this all the time as it's getting tiresome, but let's move on to the next clip!"

Lee Soo Hyuk said before the clip started playing.

"Looks like you've become more remiss in your work, Team Leader"

"Well, I had to die for that"

Lee Soo Hyuk said it as a joke, but it brought an exasperated sigh from Cale.

"You never seem to change that personality, Team Leader. To say something like that like it's nothing"

"And you just realized that now? And who never changes personality here? Hmm? Should I remind you that your actions are just as reckless and dangerous as the ones you had when we first met?"

Cale fell silent on hearing this.

He doesn't do dangerous actions, okay? They are just necessary.

"Ho, ho, sounds like this Ron guy overheard something interesting, doesn't it, Young Master-nim?"

Rom smiled benignly.

"Looks like this unlucky bastard's idiocy doesn't come from now"

Eruhaben contented himself with shaking his head.

"I don't know whether to be relieved or worried"

Lock* could understand his double's murmur.

From what Lock said, the transmigrator, no, this gentleman, Cale Henituse, always has idiotic ideas that harm himself.

So it's reasonable to feel worried thinking that he's always lived with these kinds of dangerous plans in his life. But also, it's something to be relieved of as it goes to show that it's not now that Cale is reckless like this, so in a way it's not like it's their fault.

But it's still troubling, that is.

{Chapter 67 – Wasn’t Supposed to Be Like This (4)

That odd sensation continued until Cale arrived at the dinner table. All he said was one sentence.

“I will be visiting the Whipper Kingdom for a bit.”


"Hmm? Was that when you came to visit my friend? Brhahahahaha! It was so much fun!"

Toonka burst into loud laughter as usual.

It seems that just talking about Cale visiting Whipper is cause for joy. No, it's more like Cale is Toonka's reason for joy. And the fights too. And conflicts too. And natural disasters too... well, everyone has things that are fun for them. Toonka just has some more exotic tastes.

{The spoon in the hand of his youngest sister, the 7-year-old Lily, fell to the ground. Cale turned to look at Lily after hearing the noise only to see Lily with a pale face and the corners of her lips shaking.

“My teacher said.”

Lily didn’t even think about picking up the spoon as she continued to mumble.

“The Whipper Kingdom is very scary right now and people die every day. The nobles have to hide and it is even hard to eat yummy food! You can’t even sleep in peace! That is what my teacher said!”

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