Chapter 8 _ A DRAGON????!!!

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I realized that I need to learn how to do more angst scenes. I feel like I can write something sadder, but I always end up with the idea that I'm doing something out of context or too exaggerated.

A question: how do you think easier to put the speakers of the old powers? Ex:

1) — Are you trying to sacrifice yourself?

2) 'Are you trying to sacrifice yourself?'

3) 'Are you trying to sacrifice yourself?' (written in italics)


Chapter 8 _ A DRAGON????!!!

"The God of Death said he's going to send a kind of menu to each person. Just press what you want and soon it will appear on your table"

"But not everyone has a table"

"And that's why you're going to get up and take a three-minute break while he shows up and changes all the living room furniture."

People start getting up one by one, waiting by the walls.

Alberu*, seizing the opportunity, approaches his counterpart. The group of heroes follows the same path, maybe that way they can get more information. Or tips to get stronger.

"I hope our presence doesn't bother you"

Alberu Crossman* says with a majestic smile.

"No way"

Alberu answers his double with the same smile.

He didn't know it could be so strange to see his own image smiling like that. Even though he does it in front of mirrors sometimes, seeing it in person is still weird.

Bud* also follows suit and drags Glenn* into his doppelganger's group.

"Can a good drinker join the group?"

"Ohhhh!! Drinking Contest!"

"You're the same! If one wins, the other will too! It doesn't make sense!"

"Glenn, we still can't pass up the chance to have a competition!"

The smoke reappears, and with it the same previous representation of the God of Death.

"I hadn't thought about your needs, but let's address this now"

The smoke again surrounds the room, covering every foot except for the area occupied by people.

Long sofas with long tables, but of medium width; round tables with their chairs; and a few chairs, sofas and tables of different shapes and sizes filled the room. The color division remains the same as before.

"Each table has 2 digital menus with different types of food and drinks, press what you want and it will soon appear on the table"

People started to return to their seats, noting that this time there are two screens similar to the one they are watching the clips on.

"Anything else?"

Some still had questions, but the Death God's tone of voice made them put it aside. But it wasn't the same for everyone.

"When are we going to get this over with, Your Divinity?"

Alberu was gracious in asking.

"We're not going to show the whole life of Cale Henituse as we don't have that much time. But I've listed parts that might be useful to form a bond between the two worlds and some parts that you in the LCF world might want to see"

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