1.3 chapter three

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     Words couldn't explain how many times Amelia found herself wishing she was one of those girls you'd see in the movies. One of those girls who plastered their dream college merch on their wall, sleeping in the school t shirt every night. But she just wasn't, she was the girl with no dream, no passion and absolutely no idea what to do.

     Just peachy.

     "As is our long standing tradition, the Constance Billard girls will be in charge of Friday night's mixer and the St.Jude's boys will provide the ushers for the visiting representatives." The headmaster continued, looking over at the headmistress to take the lead.

     ""For those of you dreaming of attending an Ivy League school this mixer is the most important event of your life." She informed sternly. Amelia shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the pressure getting to her.

      "But no pressure." The headmaster crack, causing himself at the headmistress to chuckle at the joke meant to break the tension. It only amplified it, at least for Amelia. She could feel the air around her thicken, the walls closing in. Words couldn't explain how much she looked forward to ending of this week.

     Dan had been in a mood since yesterday, and it didn't look like he was about to snap out of it anytime soon. Whatever had happened between him and Serena had really upset him, even though they only had gone to one failed date and one disastrous brunch together. Ivy week wasn't exactly helping to ease his nerves. He had to ace his interview to make sure he got the Dartmouth usher position. Logic spoke on his behalf, he had one of the best gpa's in all of St. Jude's, but he just couldn't shake the feeling that someone would surpass him for the position, which is why he was currently a nerves wreck sitting at the assembly.

Amelia shifted in her seat once again, fiddling with the tie that belonged to her uniform. The pressure was definitely more on the boys today, as they had to attend interviews and compete for the usher position. But ushering at least gave you an opening into talking with the representatives. The thought of approaching and striking up a conversation with the representatives made her headache. Especially she had no good idea where to even begin.

Soon enough the assembly ended, and the packed room emptied. Amelia scurried to her feet, rushing out of the room, desperate for a breath of fresh air. But not before slamming into someone.

Amelia began falling backwards, but a secure arm snakes around her waist, pulling her safely back on her feet. A light coat of blush grew on her cheeks in embarrassment. "Woah there, you're in a hurry." Nate observed, smiling widely at the girl.

"You can let go of me now." The Hopper girl stared, eyes locked on the arm that was still secured around her. Nate quickly pulled his arms to his side. "Thanks for the, uh, rescue. My butt is thanking you for not dropping me flat on it."

Nate chuckled, her humour making him feel all giddy. "No problem. You know I still don't know your name."

"Oh, eh my name is—"

"Nate? Are you coming?" Chuck interjected Amelia before she could inform the Archibald of her name. The Bass waited impatiently by the exit of the school. Nate groaned, internally cussing his friend off for interrupting.

"I, eh, I should go. I'll see you at the usher. . . Yeah, I'll see you." Nate spoke, jogging away from the girl and over to Chuck, their conversation ending just in time for her to eavesdrop on another.

DOIN' TIME→ n. archibald [1] ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon