071. the final seal

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"Dean? Dean!" Bobby calls. "You listen to a word I said?" Miranda is sitting at the kitchen table and holding an ice pack to the black eye Dean gave her once he got back to Bobby's.

"Yeah, I heard you. I'm not calling him." Dean says.

"Don't make me get my gun, boy." Bobby sneers.

"We are damn near kickoff for Armageddon, don't you think we got bigger fish at the moment?" Dean asks.

"I know you're pissed. And I'm not making apologies for what he's done, but he's your--"

"Blood? He's my blood. Is that what you were gonna say?" Dean asks.

"He's your brother. And he's drowning." Bobby says.

"Bobby, I tried to help him, I did. Look what happened."

"You did not try to do shit for him." Miranda says. "You did the exact opposite of help."

"Try again." Bobby says.

"It's too late." Dean says.

"There's no such thing." Bobby says.

"No, damn it! No. I gotta face the facts. Sam never wanted part of this family. He hated this life growing up. Ran away to Stanford first chance he got. Now it's like deja vu all over again. Well, I am sick and tired of chasing him. Screw him, he can do what he wants."

"He didn't run away. He went to college because he didn't want to hunt. There is nothing wrong with that. He would've come back, but your bitch of a father pushed him away. He kicked him out."

"You don't know shit about this family!"

"You wanna bet?" Miranda gets up, standing in front of Dean. "I know that even as John's favorite child, he still treated Sam like shit. I know you guys always thought that he was the freaky one because he didn't want to drown in anger. And your selfish ass finally found an excuse that would get him to come back with you to find your dad after he went missing and now Sam's trapped in all of it again. Maybe he wants to be here, maybe he doesn't. But I know he is nothing like you or your piece of shit dad."

Dean punches Miranda.

"Dean!" Bobby shouts.

Miranda headbutts Dean and punches him. He stumbles back and Miranda grabs him, slamming his face into her knee, his nose starting to bleed. Dean swings at her, but she dodges it, hitting him over the head. She elbows him in the back of the head and sweeps her leg out, knocking him off of his feet. She kicks him in the back, the man crashing to the floor.

"If you wanna help him, maybe you should actually try helping him instead of putting yourself first and pushing him away because he's not an obedient little soldier like you were."

Miranda storms out.


Miranda turns around, finding Cas and Dean.

"What are you--" She stops when they change places, now in Chuck's house.

"Lady, sometimes you got to live like there's no tomorrow." Chuck tells the woman he's on the phone with before he notices the three. "Wait. T-this isn't supposed to happen." He says. "No, lady, this is definitely supposed to happen, but I just got to call you back." He hangs the phone up.

~ ~ ~

"St. Mary's? What is that, a convent?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, but you guys aren't supposed to be there. You're not in this story." Chuck says.

"Yeah, well... we're making it up as we go." Cas says.

Chuck's computer screen flickers and it starts rumbling, a blinding white light appearing.

"Aw, man! Not again! No!" Chuck complains.

"It's the archangel!" Cas yells. "I'll hold him off! I'll hold them all off! Just stop Sam!" He tells Dean and Miranda. He makes Miranda hold onto Dean's arm before touching their foreheads, the two appearing in an empty part of the convent.

"C'mon." Dean says, walking down the hallway, Miranda following.

They turn a corner, seeing Sam and Ruby's backs in the room. Ruby turns and sees them and smiles. She puts a hand out, slamming the doors to the room shut.

"Shit." Miranda runs up. "Sammy!"

"Sam!" Dean shouts.

"Sammy!" Miranda screams, banging on the doors.

"Sam!" Dean yells.

"Here, here, hey, this." Dean grabs a large candelabra and gives Miranda one. They hit them against the door, trying to break in.

They finally get the doors open and storm in. Miranda takes the demon knife out of her pocket, having gotten it after the fight at the hotel.

Ruby stands up and faces them.

"You're too late." Ruby smirks.

"Yeah, well, sweetheart, I don't break my promises." Miranda sneers.

Sam stands up and grabs Ruby from behind, holding her and Miranda stabs her. She flickers with light before Sam lets go and she crumbles to the floor, dead.

"I'm sorry." Sam tells them, his voice cracking.

Suddenly, a bright, white light shoots up from the floor and the convent begins to shake.

"Let's go." Dean says, grabbing onto Sam's jacket.

"Guys." Sam clutches onto Dean's jacket and Miranda's arm. "He's coming." He says as they stare at the light.

"Come on!" Dean yells, the three running to the door, but it slams shut. They try to open the doors as the light gets brighter. Realizing they can't get out, they turn back to the light, using their hands to shield their eyes.

A loud ringing sounds and they cover their ears, groaning in pain, and all drop to the their knees.

"What the devil is your name?" Miranda hears a voice.

"Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Yo-Yosemite Sam." Another voice says.

"Yosemite Sam? Let's see. Ah, here it is. I could use a guy like you."

The three still have their arms up for protection as they slowly lift their heads, realizing they're on a plane.

"What the hell?" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Sam says.

"How did we get on a plane?" Miranda asks.

"I don't know." Sam says again.

"Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Ellicott City, on our initial descent into Baltimore."

"Ilchester? Weren't we just there?" Dean asks.

"So if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to-- holy shit!" The pilot exclaims as a column of bright light shoots into the sky.

The plane knocks around, people screaming as the oxygen masks drop. Miranda quickly puts the oxygen mask on as the white light outside increases so it's blinding.

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