004. don't leave

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Dean pulls up to the apartment and Miranda and Sam both get out.

"Call me if you find him?" Sam asks. Dean nods. "And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?"

"Yeah, all right." Dean says.

Sam pats the car door and stands up. Miranda holds her hand out to him and he takes out, the two making their way to the complex.

"Sam?" Dean calls making his brother turn back. "You know, we made a hell of a team back there."

"Yeah." Sam nods.

Dean drives off.

"He doesn't even wait for you to get inside? Man, I feel sorry for his dates." Miranda says.

"He doesn't get dates." Sam laughs. "For him, it's all about hook ups."

"Ugh, even worse." Miranda says. "Bet he ditches them first thing, too."

"Come on, Dean hater." Sam says, dragging her inside.

"There's a lot to hate." Miranda remarks making Sam chuckle.

They get into their apartment and put their bags down.

"Belly?" Miranda calls, seeing the couch empty, the sheets and blankets still on it.

"Where would she be? It's the middle of the night." Sam sasy.

"I dunno. Maybe she spent the night at Carmen and Jess'." Miranda shrugs.

"Is that allowed?" Sam frowns.

"Don't know, don't care." Miranda says.

They get into their bedroom.

"You know, we could have some, uh... good luck sex." Miranda smirks.

"The interview's in less than 10 hours, babe." Sam whines.

"So you wanna be sleep deprived or sex deprived? Or both?" Miranda questions.

"Sleep deprived." Sam says making her giggle, it becoming muffled when he leans down and pulls her into a kiss. They don't break apart as they fall onto the bed, Miranda on her back and Sam hovering over her.

Miranda quietly moans as Sam moves to her neck, the woman lying in bliss. Sam's too focused on her to feel whatever drops on his back. She lets out a small hum, opening her eyes, freezing when she looks up at the ceiling.

Miranda lets out an ear piercing scream making Sam jolt away from her. He looks at her before looking up at the ceiling, his eyes widening in horror.

Bella's pinned to the ceiling and there's blood covering her stomach.

Bella bursts into flames making Miranda yell. The room becomes engulfed in flames.

"Come on, come on." Sam grabs Miranda.

"No! No, no!" She screams, fighting against him.

"We gotta go!" He shouts, seeing Dean rush into the room. The older one freezes at the sight of the blonde on the ceiling and all the fire.

"No! Bella! Belly! No!" Miranda screams, Sam dragging her out of the apartment.

They eventually manage to get outside, hearing sirens in the distance.

"Come on, come on." Sam mutters, pulling Miranda a safe distance away from the building.

"No! No!" Miranda sobs, still trying to fight against her boyfriend.

"Miranda, hey, hey." Sam coos as she continues to cry.

"No!" She yells, shoving his arms off of her. She looks up at him, Sam staring at her sadly. "No. No, no, no." She sobs, falling into him, Sam tightly wrapping his arms around her. Sam ignores the stinging in his eyes from his own tears and building guilt while he attempts to comfort his distraught girlfriend as she sobs into his jacket, his arms being the only thing to keep her up.

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