026. yellow eyes

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"They've got dad." Dean announces, hanging his phone up.

"Meg?" Sam asks and Dean nods. "What'd she say?"

"I just told you, Sammy." Dean says. He grabs the Colt and tucks it into the back of his jeans.

"What are you doing, Dean?" Sam asks.

"We got to go." Dean states.

"Why?" Sam asks.

"Because the demon knows we're in Salvation, all right? It knows we got the colt. It's got dad -- it's probably coming for us next." Dean says.

"Good. We've still got three bullets left. Let it come." Sam says.

"Listen, tough guy, we're not ready, okay? We don't know how many of them are out there. Now, we're no good to anybody dead. We're leaving -- now!"

~ ~ ~

"I'm telling you, Dean, we could have taken him." Sam says as Dean speeds down the road.

"What we need is a plan. Now, they're probably keeping dad alive, we just gotta figure out where. They're gonna wanna trade him for the gun." Dean says. Sam shakes his head. "What?"

"Dean, if that were true, why didn't Meg mention a trade?" Sam asks. "Dad, he might be..."


"Look, I don't want to believe it any more than you. But if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing. We still have the colt. We can still finish the job."

"Fuck the job, Sam!"

"Dean, I'm just trying to do what he would want. He would want us to keep going."

"Quit talking about him like he's dead already. Listen to me, everything stops until we get him back, you understand me? Everything." Dean states.

"So, how do we find him?" Sam asks.

"Maybe we go to Lincoln. Start at the warehouse where he was taken." Dean suggests.

"Come on, Dean, you really think these demons are going to leave a trail?" Sam asks.

"You're right. We need help." Dean says.


They're at Bobby's and Sam is sitting at the desk in the living room with Miranda standing next to him, leaning back against the desk.

Sam is going through a book, but he glances up at Miranda.

"Hey." Sam quietly calls, resting his arm on top of her thigh, getting her to look at him. "You know I love you."

"Mm-hmm." She hums.

"And I wouldn't wanna leave you -- ever." Sam says. "But I've also been raised to hunt this thing down and now that we're close, it... I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or made you feel bad for seeming so sacrificial and angry. But this thing killed my mom and it-- it killed Bella and I just..."

"I get it." Miranda says. "But if you think I'm gonna let you, you got another thing coming for ya."

Sam softly laughs and grabs her hand, kissing the back of it.

"Here you go." Bobby hands Dean a flask.

"What is this? Holy water?" Dean asks.

"That one is." Bobby holds up the flask in his hand. "This is whiskey." He takes a swig before giving it to Dean who does the same.

"Bobby, thanks. Thanks for everything. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure we should come." Dean says.

"Nonsense. Your daddy needs help." Bobby says.

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