Key word yet.

But I did find one guy that I liked and he didn't like me back. My parents called me once a week, just to check up and see how I was doing. They asked if this "guy" ever came back yet, and I told them that he wasn't due for another 3 months. Ashton and I were still texting and talking, and he wanted to hear my voice and see my face, but he didn't get anything, just my sarcastic response in reply. He was too shy too admit it, but I could tell that Ashton had a big crush on me. Not like the normal crush, but like over the top crush. Ashton made sure to hide it, but it was cute when he broke down. Most of the time though he was asking about me, to try and figure me out.

It was 1 month til we could meet and Ashton and I were over the moon. He couldn't believe it, and he never got around to "5071." Which I was fine about. I never broke down in front of him, even if he pushed it. I was always happy. Until it wasn't. I got called by my dad that my mom and the baby; Ajay, along with Lola, Layla, and Bailey had all got in a car accident, and that they all died on impact. I gasped into the phone, and I told my dad that I would be at the funeral. My dad wasn't having any of it though, he wanted me to stay in California. I tried to argue against him, but Zak got on the phone and basically yelled at me to not come. Harsh, more like. I nodded my head and hung up the phone.

After that call, I left my phone on the bed, with Ashton's texts coming in. I just grabbed my money and left Ashton's house. He agreed that I could stay in it, until he arrived.

I was out for about 2 hours, but it was enough for Ashton to worry and to have like 200 text messages waiting for me. I never ignored Ashton's messages, but today I wasn't having any of it. My mom's death hit me hard, and hearing my dad sound like abusive, is what I didn't want for my family. It felt like my family fell apart, because you could understand that my mom was basically the glue that held us all together, and without her, we were all mad and irritated at each other.

I waited until the next day and after my shift til I texted Ashton back. To say he was worried was an understatement.

Ash: fay???

Ash: are u okay??

Ash: u sorta vanished w/out warning and just wanted to make sure u were okay, cuz u never do something like this

Ash: pls fay, answer me :(

Ash: fay pls!!

Ash: i'm worried for u, ur never gone this long

Ash: hello?? pls

Ash: c'mon fay, is it that bad?

Ash: i'm abt to get on a fucking plane ✈️ but Luke is stopping me

Ash: i'm so scared like what if ur in the hospital

Ash: pls answer me, i'm actually this close to crying, like what's wrong with u!!

Ash: pls fay pls

Ash: ur like my lifeline

Ash: and i can't lose u

Ash: baby pls

Fay: hey 👋

Ash: wait!! u just responded!! are u okay??

Fay: a lot of things happened while u were gone, and i just wish u were here rn to hold me, but u can't, just tell me how much longer do u have??

Ash: wait what things happened, i wish for that too, and i have 2 more weeks left, then i can hold u :(

Fay: just things Ashton...

Ash: what things, and u never call me Ashton, are u mad at me?

Fay: no, i'm not mad, i'm just stressed Ash

Ash: u wanna talk abt it?

Fay: i would rather wait til ur here in person then we can talk, otherwise i'll break down and do things that u don't wanna know abt

Ash: what things??

Fay: i can tell that ur concerned rn

Ash: yeah, ik what things u can do, and i don't want u to do them, it hurts me think abt that

Fay: i'm fine tho

Ash: ur not tho :(

Ash: i can bring u on tour for the last two weeks? if u want to?

Fay: i rlly couldn't do that to u tho

Ash: it's no big deal, i can just take the couch

Fay: but u need ur sleep too, so i'll sleep on the couch instead

Ash: so ur coming??

Fay: uhh no

Ash: pls you'll be safe with me :(

Fay: no Ash, i can't just leave my job and ur house unattended

Ash: quit ur job u don't need it, and i thought u were gonna be a songwriter :(

Fay: yeah but i need YOU here to have that job, besides i wanted a little extra cash for myself

Ash: oh that makes sense...

Fay: ik

Ash: it's only 2 weeks, then we can be together

Fay: promise?

Ash: promise :)

1.4k words

2 weeks til they meet!!

anyways how are we feeling abt the many different layouts on this chapter??

do u agree with Ashton? should Fay be on the last 2 weeks of tour with them??


a/n: hey y'all ch 6 is finally up, hope you enjoy it. make sure to follow me, vote and comment 🌴

hope y'all are having a great day/night/whatever i love y'all 😘💙

ch 7 will be up soon tho

- ash ✌️

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