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Saturday - 12:00pm - Ashton's pov:
True to my word, I did start searching for girls to date. I didn't want anyone famous. I wanted someone normal, that wasn't like me all the time. I wanted someone who had a normal life, and would be keen on showing me around their town. I went through the girls, not really finding anything. Maybe Michael was right, I couldn't find my own girl. I called Michael, but tried this one last girl. To me she was normal. I went through her bio, and I loved it. Here's what her bio on Instagram looked like:

Fay 🤪
4/13 🥳
Ash <3 ☀️
5071 🙌
heyooo 👋

I was confused at the 5071? Like what did that mean? Maybe it was her birthday? But no, her birthday was June 13th. I decided to leave it, and dm her.

Ash: hi? ur bio was interesting so i decided to dm u. don't hate me for this, please?

Fay: who's this?

Ash: do u not know who i am?

Fay: ik ur from 5sos, but i don't make a big deal abt it, cuz ur human, and we should all have private lives, that's also why i'm not fan-girling rn

Ash: oh thank you 😊

Fay: no problem!

Fay: honestly why did you dm me then? it's not everyday where a celebrity dms a normal person

Ash: Michael told me that I could find a girl on my own, instead of him, setting me up on blind dates

Fay: ohhh so i'm basically gonna be ur magical gf one day?

Ash: i would hope so...?

Fay: well i've never had this proposition b4, and i'm not opposed to it....

Ash: let's start off with 20 questions? would u be up for that?

Fay: sure, u can start

Ash: i saw that ur bday is june 13, how old are u turning?

Fay: 16 in june, what abt u? when's ur bday?

Ash: july 7, and i'll be turning 22 this year, do u have any pets?

Fay: 6 cats, 12 dogs, and 5 tarantulas, what abt u?

Ash: wow..uhm..i just have 1 dog. why do u have so many animals?

Fay: idk, but we can talk abt the names and breeds of them later

Ash: how many siblings do u have?

Fay: 7 almost 8, what abt u?

Ash: damn, i only have 2, and are u the oldest, middle or youngest?

Fay: i'm the oldest, and ik ur the oldest as well

Ash: damn way to assume

Fay: aren't i right tho?

Ash: yes u are, can i know the names of ur siblings and their ages?

Fay: dylan, finn, zak, bailey, lola, layla, jax, and ajay is on the way, what abt ur siblings?

Ash: Lauren and Harry, u forgot the ages

Fay: oh yeah, whoops, it just slipped my mind, i'm sry

Ash: no it's okay, ur good 😊

Fay: Dylan, Finn, and Zak are all 13, Bailey is 10, Lola & Layla are 7, and Jax is 4. how old are ur siblings?

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