🫧 13 🫧

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Opening my phone up, and trying to silence it in time, but it didn't work. Ash already heard it. Calum tried to distract him even more, but it didn't work. Ashton looked over and saw me standing there in a lavender dress, and heels, with a gift basket. It looked like I just came out of a movie, while still wearing my costume.

His mouth gaped open, and he couldn't say anything. He turned towards Calum to look for an answer. But Calum only shrugged his shoulders and looked confused himself, even though he knew exactly what he was doing. "Ash, aren't you going to say anything?" Calum asked, as Ash was still in shock.

He turned towards Cal and whispered, "What am I supposed to say. Like..." "Say something to her Ash. Or do you want Fay to start the conversation?" Ash shrugged his shoulders. "Fine." Calum went up towards me, and started whispering to me. "Ash doesn't want to start the conversation, so you can start it." "With what?"

"God, you two are so shy, someone be confident and say something!" Calum stared between the two of us. "I'm gonna leave you two alone in this room for about 3 hours. And when I get back I expect that something comes out of this." Calum then left with the slam of the door.

Ash and I both winced at how loud Calum slammed the door. "Cal, not so loud!" Ash yelled, as he was afraid the door would break/fall off its hinges.

"Since you just talked, are you starting the conversation?" Fay asked.

"You responded."

"So, what does that matter? You actually started it!" I shot back.


"So you want me to come to you? Or can I change into something else? This dress is getting kinda itchy." I asked.

"Of course, let me get you something." Ash answered, getting up swiftly.

"Are you sick? Or just faking?" I asked, following Ash to his closet.

"Eh, I'm just stressed over stuff, not sick, just did that for attention. Why? You upset over that?"

"Nah, it's alright." Fay smiled and laughed.

"No, smile more. I like your smile."

"That was so cheesy."

"Yeah, I know, but like what else could I say?"


"Here, these are a little big, but I'm sure that they'll fit." And he handed me a pair of his sweatpants, and an ATL t-shirt. "Thanks Ash." I smiled, just for him.

I changed right there in his closet, and came out with everything being 3x my size. "Aww I like you in my clothes."

"But like, they're too big."

"Yeah, no duh, cause they're mine."

"Rude." I pointed my finger his way.

"What can I say?"

"Something nice."

"Fine, but come here, let's cuddle, and watch movies."

Fay just stood there, and didn't do anything. Just simply standing. "Come on." And Ash pulled my arm, making me land on him. Which was probably his intention anyways.

"I don't see the abs sticking out, so we can't be together." Fay laughed.

"Hey! That's mean." Ash whined.

"Am I wrong though?"

Ash was silent for a second then rolled off the bed to try and get away from me. He stood up to get something, and of course I followed him. That's when I noticed his height.

"You're tall." I commented.

"And you're short. What are you, like 4'5, 4'7?"

"For your information I am 4'6."

"I imagined you taller to be honest."

"Hey! I'm still growing, buddy."

"Did you just call me buddy?"

"Yeah, because we haven't made anything official yet. You haven't taken me on a date yet."

"To prove it, taking you out, be ready by 7pm."

thanks u all for waiting on this chapter!

where do u think ash is taking fay for the date?

any thoughts?

it's a little on the short end, but that's alright!

a/n: hey y'all ch 13 is finally up, hope you enjoy it. make sure to follow me, vote and comment 🌴

hope y'all are having a great day/night/whatever i love y'all 😘💙

ch 14 will be up soon tho

- ash ✌️

forever and always - afi Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant