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i was literally by the toilet, non-stop for the past hour. we were supposed to go to dinner with the trio, but like i wasn't having any of it.

"babe, you okay?" he kept asking every twenty minutes. "how am i supposed to go to dinner like this?" gesturing towards myself.

"do you wanna call it off? i'm sure they won't mind." he was rubbing my back soothingly.

"no, no, i'll get up." "if you don't feel well, you can just stay here." he told me, as he helped me up.

"i wanna try." "alright."

we arrived at the restaurant that cal picked out for us. the place was fancy, but i wasn't feeling it, so i wore something that you wouldn't consider 'fancy.' i honestly didn't care at this point if people stared at me. i wasn't feeling my best.

calum met us at the entrance, as luke and michael were getting our table. we got seated, and michael looked at my outfit funny.

we ordered drinks and food at the same time, while calum was ordering an appetizer. michael sat across from me, and he occasionally stole glances at me.

like he was trying to figure me out. "be right back babe." ashton told me. he left and i was left with the three in front of me.

"so, the outfit?" michael asked.

"what about it, at least i'm wearing something and besides cal said that we could either wear fancy or casual." literally reiterating calum's words.

calum didn't do anything, just sat there playing candy crush.

"but like, isn't your outfit, not casual even, you're basically wearing pjs, honestly." he scoffed.

"mike, shut up!" luke said.

"oh so you're defending her now?" he spat.

"no, i'm not. just that you are yelling, and the whole freaking restaurant can probably hear you." luke whispered to him.

"just stop michael." calum told him. "this is why we don't bring you out very often. you better behave now, ash is coming back, and he doesn't want to hear your shit."

"oh so now i have to shut up, what about luke?"

"luke's not yelling like you are."

"you're not yelling either!"

"because i'm trying to stay calm, and not freak everyone out in the restaurant."

ashton slid in next to me again. our food arrived a couple minutes later and we all dug in.

michael still stared at me from across the booth, wanting to desperately say something.

as soon as we all payed, he grabbed my forearm and squeezed it. he glared at me, then walked off.

seriously, what was up with michael?

it's just a short chapter today.

hope y'all are having a good day/night so far tho, my night's been pretty meh, for me </3

new chapter tmr.

- ASH 🤍🤍

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