Chapter 27: Blood on the Ice

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Aryl's eyes glossed over like a frozen pond. "You're not coming with us, then."

"Not yet. I have some unfinished business to address, but I promise we will meet again soon. I'll ensure General Araneus has a map to their hiding place." Vulduin kissed her forehead before marching downstairs to deliver the news.

Aryl, however, suspected this was their last union, and she asked Silver, "Do you know where he's headed?"

"I wish I knew, Your Imperial Majesty, but sometimes he doesn't tell me anything."

"I'm not the Empress anymore, so there's no more need for formalities." She dolefully looked down at the map. "If we win this war, Vulduin and I don't want the throne."

"I'm afraid I don't understand—"

"The rule of succession will apply, and the immediate heir will rise to power." Aryl's sapphire eyes gleamed when she made herself clear.

"That will be up to the Crown Princess; Selena has no interest in the throne," Silver said.

Yet, the former Empress turned away and sighed, ignoring his warning over her headstrong daughter; Silver, however, feared how Selena would take the news. Aryl watched the door before saying, "Vulduin isn't coming back, is he?"

"I-I have no idea."

After saying their farewells, Silver excused himself from Aryl's presence. He made his way out of the inn and rushed to find Araneus preparing Aracania for travel and Vulduin strutting away with haste and purpose. "Where do you think you're going?" Silver called out.

Vulduin's voice was quiet and hoarse, like he was about to cry or scream. "Just for a walk."

"Will you return?"

Vulduin stopped and abruptly turned around to face him, the two standing in uncomfortable silence. "If I take my walk and don't return, it means I haven't finished my walk."

Silver's face became inflamed when he understood Vulduin's meaning. "Your wife suspected this. I don't know what she will say if you leave again." Vulduin ignored him and continued his march. "I think you're making a huge mistake." Vulduin assumed his red dire wolf form and dashed towards Alfheim at dragon speed, making it clear he wouldn't reply.

Silver sighed as he watched the Red Wolf vanish over the hills and said: "May the Divines watch over you, my friend." He fixed his jacket and transformed into his white wingless dragon facade, beginning his long flight to Snowhaven.

The smell of sulfur and rotting flesh laded the air, stinging Vulduin's nostrils. He resumed his elf guise as he walked through what remained of Alfheim. The sky was painted blood red by the fires raging in the background, debris and dead bodies littering the once beautiful streets. Only Rune Citadel and the Council's headquarters remained unscathed among the smoldering wreckage. He looked up to see the dragon creatures circling overhead; Vulduin clenched his fists, preparing himself for a fight, but the masked behemoths ignored him entirely, flying over and perching on the remains of the Pyre.

His skin prickled when he heard Vidar's voice, making him want to vomit. The treacherous, pompous half-elf emerged from the smoke and dust, his eerie ice eyes piercing the veil. "There you are. I was wondering when you would show yourself again."

"Where is the Lich?" Vulduin asked coolly.

Vidar casually strutted forward with the rest of the Council following close; he hissed through his teeth. "I'm afraid you just missed him, Vulduin. He had important matters to deal with in Snowhaven."

"I want my daughter back. Where is she?"

Vidar taunted, "Does it matter? She's still very much alive for now."

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