chapter 12

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Third pov.

Three days later 4 of the Akatsuki members made their way to Konoha. "I hope nothing will stand in our way. I don't want a bloodbath on such a beautiful day" Tobi said sighing as he looked up at the blue sky. "What are you saying you dumbo ofcourse it's going to be a bloodbath. I am gonna sacrifice all those motherf**kers to Jashin-sama. Hahaha" Hidan roared. "Was it a good idea to bring him with us" Kisame whispered to Itachi "hmm" he replied as usual but his mind was filled with thoughts and possibilities on how he should do things when they get to Konoha.
After hours of running they finally reached Konoha. They disguised themselves and quietly entered the villages. Entering the village was not that hard as there was not much security there. The two ninjas who were supposed to watch the gate were sleeping and slacking off. Well that made things easier for them. "Alright we are here. First thing is first we do the usual. Don't stand out and gather information and emergency exit points. Meet at the Hokage mountain. Kisame you go with Hidan and make sure he doesn't do something stupid." Itachi instructed "huh!?!?!" Hidan looked at Itachi offended to which all three of them give him a 'i am judging you' look so he had no choice but to suck it up. "Next Obito you have to be extra careful. Kakashi is a pain in the ass." "I know. He has always been one." Obito replied "man that is one heck of a ninja I tell you. Last time when Itachi and I came here to check on his brother Kakashi recognised us and it was such a pain. You know" Itachi nodded. "Don't worry guys I will be careful. Oh and how are we going to find Naruto and Sasuke" Obito asked. "Hmm we first check their apartments. The chances of them being there is low since it's mid-day but one extra step won't hurt right." "And if they are not there then.." Hidan asked Itachi to which he replied "then they are on a mission. If not then Sasuke will most probably be in training ground 12" "there's a training ground 12?" Hidan asked surprised. "Ya there is. It's not used that much because it's at the far end of the village and it's kinda dangerous place for training. I am surprised your brother knows that place Itachi. Well it should be since he is a stubborn Uchiha" Obito informed which Itachi nodded in agreement "alright Sasuke brat is checked what about the other one" "Raman store" both Itachi and Kisame said at the same time. "Raman store? Why there of all places" Hidan asked. "Naruto loves Raman but we think it's maybe because that's the only thing he can afford and those people are the only ones nice to him. Oh and another thing. When looking for Naruto be extra careful there might be a hyuga girl hiding somewhere." Kisame said. "The fuck why?" "Meh. Girls" they said blandly. (A/n not meant to offend any girls).
Once they reached the centre of the village everyone parted ways to search for the raven haired and the blonde boys. Hours of searching came to an end when everyone met up at the meeting point on top of the Hokage mountain at 10pm. "Soo.." Itachi started "team 7 is out on mission but will be back tomorrow" Kisame said the others nodded. "I got inside the third hokage's home office. I found a few documents it's enough proof to expose the corrupted Hokage." Obito said coldly. The others nodded. Then Itachi sighed "alright so here's what we are going to do tomorrow. After team 7 is back from their mission we first gather information on Naruto and Sasuke's whereabouts and routines". "Oh oh Tobi can use his Kamui and spy on them unnoticed" Obito said in his child like voice. Itachi nodded and said "great then I will leave that part to you Obito. Next step would be to separate Naruto and Sasuke from others. And I think Kisame and Hidan would be best option to do that. What do you think". Hidan and Kisame Smirked and nodded. "Both Obito and I can step in if needed". "Noted" Kisame said. "Alright I think it's better to divide the team into two now itself. So Kisame and Obito can go for Naruto and me and Hidan will get Sasuke" the day ended with everyone agreeing on what to do the next day and exchanging a few more common information and planning.
The next day after team 7 was back from their mission the 4 Akatsuki members did as they planned. They followed and started gathering information on both Naruto and Sasuke's usual whereabouts. But since they already knew a few things from the previous experience it was not that hard. Kisame and Obito made sure they had a close eye on the blonde boy and especially made sure that they had hide their chakara well so that the blondy will not notice them. Just like they expect after getting his usual dinner at the Raman stall Naruto decided his usual routine of having a small stroll around the village. "This is were we strike. Naruto uses the less crowd route which is a good advantage" Kisame said "alright but we can't attack him now that might attract too much attention especially that bakashi bitch" Obito grambled. "I know that's why we use Naruto's weakness" the blue fishman smirked. "Naruto is very kindhearted which is his greatest disadvantage and we will use that. We will create a scenario where someone appears to be in trouble or needs help, luring Naruto into a trap and then we grab him" "Wicked" Obito Smirked. "Thanks. So now we wait".
On the other hand with Hidan and Itachi they also followed Sasuke and one thing they felt for the raven haired boy was pity.... "Man I pity your bratty brother Itachi" Hidan said looking down on the poor boy who was being clunged on my a screeching banshee. Itachi could only sigh. "So what's the plan" "nothing much from the info we have one thing is for sure your brother is strong but... But one thing he lacks is patience and I am using that" he looked at Itachi and said bluntly "I am using you as a bait" Itachi started at Hidan and then looked back at his brother "nice thinking". So both teamed started waiting for the perfect timing. They didn't have to wait too long since both Naruto and Sasuke created a perfect chance for the Akatsuki to strike on their own.

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