chapter 11

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Third pov.

The next few days everyone in the base was busy. Some infiltrated Konoha stealing and gathering information on the incident that happened almost 14 years ago. It was difficult but the results that they got were both shocking and sickening. Pain filled in to Itachi and others on everything that happened then. Rage and a feeling of betrayal filled them especially the ex-ninjas of Konoha. The people who they thought will always protect them and were innocent turns out to be the most ugliest of them all.
Like any other day, Itachi was sitting with Haruko. It has become a regular thing for them. Just sitting and giving each other company if not talking about silly things. Most of their topic revolved around their little brothers. Both saddens them whenever thinking about it. One bother hating his older with passion over a misunderstanding that he had no other choice but to create and another brother who doesn't even know the existence of the older. Haruko wanted to see them both. She knew that she didn't have much time left so she really wanted to see them. The blonde has mentioned this to her best friend several times already and every time Itachi has promised to make it happen.
Time passed and the deep and dirty secrets that Konoha was trying to hide came into light. Everyone in the Akatsuki who sees each other as their family was angered as days passed with acquiring new information.
Months passed and the blonde girl's time was nearing its end. At this point no matter what Orochimaru or anyone did it never helped anymore. Her body finally decided to give up. If anything the sole reason why she was able to hold on the thin thread of life now was probably because of Orochimaru who never gave up.
Itachi was holding her hand as she lay there. Itachi was no better his condition was worsening too but he never gave it much though. "Ne Itachi.." her soft voice called Itachi hummed in response. "I want to see them before I leave" she said in a soft voice. The skin and lips pale devoid of any sense of life but her eyes still held the shine. She still looked beautiful just like a delicate art piece. "Just a little more. I will bring them here" Itachi whisper holding her hands in his. His eyes were soft and filled with love as he looked at her.
The information was out. Everyone in Akatsuki knows what happened. Around 14 years ago Konoha and Iwa had a deal. Both were involved in a slave trade. The kage of Konoha at that time was the third hokage. In return for giving Iwa slaves Konoha got weapons and money. It was a great deal for Konoha especially when the Kyubi's attack was happening. The third and Danzo worked together using the black Anbu they collected homeless people and sold them to Iwa and among them was a blonde hair girl named Uzumaki Haruko. Haruko was never actually a part of the plan. But when the Kyubi incident happened she was severely injured and both of her parents died leaving only her brother so it was a very convenient opportunity. Uzumaki blood was rare and they had a high prize in the trade market, no matter if they are damaged or not. So the third hokage and Danzo forged the blonde's death and a law was passed to never talk about her existence so that no other possible problem will arise. No one knew she was still alive if it was not for the Akatsuki.
Everyone in the base was pissed and they were ready to avenge their blonde. After the long awaiting moment it was finally time for them to take action. Everything was prepared when Itachi entered the room with Orochimaru following. Everyone turned their eyes to both. "There might be a change in the plan...." Confused stares and murmers filled the room which was stopped when pain talked "what do you mean. We have been planning this for months now." "I know but..." The raven haired man stopped and looked at Orochimaru to continue. Everyone saw the hesitation in his eyes worried they all waited for what the snake sanin have to say "it's.... Um.... *Sigh* Haruko... Doesn't have much time left...." He said with his eyes closed so his emotion will no take over. The others were shocked they always knew this time would come soon but never knew that it would be this soon. It was heartbreaking for everyone. Throughout the entire time the blonde was here everyone became extremely close with each other. "We don't have time to avenge Haru now....." Itachi started everyone looked at him "Haru..... Haru said that she wants to see Naruto and Sasuke" Itachi said softly. A while later Hidan said "but how, for all we know your little braty brother hates you and the other brat doesn't even know Haru's existence. And the Konoha fuckers will never let them meet each other" "Hidan is right. How are we going to do this" Kisame asked. Itachi stayed silent for a while before speaking. "I don't know. But one thing I know is that even if I will have to force it I will let her see both of them even if it's just only for one time" he said determined. The others smirked. "Tobi likes that idea. Kidnapping is much better than talking them over" Obito said in his childish voice. "Then it's decided" Pain said and everyone nodded.

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